.13. Mr. Winchester, Private Investigator

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//Dean POV//

It's been a week now and there's been no sign of Cas. 

The police have started to lose hope of him being found, alive at least. They would have thought that after me and Michael found that note, the Novaks would have received a ransom call by now. But nothing has happened and it's freaking me out. 

I've stopped going to school, haven't slept in days, and continue to try to piece together everything that's happened. I glance at my phone that's sitting next to me on my desk, as I try to research possible motives for the kidnappers, it showing I had multiple unread text messages. I pick it up and see the many texts were sent by Lisa. Again. Ughh. 

Ever since I stopped going to school, she's called and texted me nonstop. Saying stuff from 'I'm here for you' to 'Please talk to me, this isn't healthy for you to lock yourself away!' I guess she has a point but why should she care. Just because I haven't left my room in a few days to research doesn't mean I need to go cry on someones shoulder. Let alone Lisa's. 

I sigh loudly, making Sam pop his head into my room. "Are you okay, Dean?" He asks, looking concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say softly. Sam looks unconvinced and walks over to me to then lean down and give me a tight hug. I return it, burying my face into his shoulder. Damn, I didn't know I needed a hug this badly but it felt good. When did he become the big brother in our relationship? "Alright, Sammy. No more chick flick moments." I say, pulling away from my brother. "Okay, I'm just worried about you, Dean. I know Cas was your best friend, so this must be really hard for you." He sighs, patting me on my back. "If you need to talk, I'm here for you." He says before walking out.

I watch him go, realizing just how much I missed Cas. I miss his smile, the way it glowed when he spotted me or whenever I cracked a joke. I miss his sarcastic nature and him always talking to me. I miss him standing next to me, always there to support me if I need him. I felt like I could rule the world with him next to me. But dear god, I miss the way he looked at me the most. The smile showing in his bright blue eyes when ever he glanced at me. Him staring at me intently, thinking I didn't notice.  Always watching me with those big, blue eyes of his. 

But all of a sudden, an image flashed in my mind. It was me, finally finding him. But all I could make out were his eyes. His glazed over blue eyes as I cried over his dead body.  

I jerked from my thoughts. No, he's alive and I'm going to find him.

I pulled my laptop over and started to frantically type, looking for recent leads the police had, again. Anything that could help me in my search. But of course, there was nothing. It was like the police gave up. I slammed my laptop closed and shoved it off my desk. How could they just stop looking or at least not find anything?! I got up and then started to throw my books and nick-nacks that happen to be close by around the room. I pounded my fists into my wall, shouting bloody murder. I yelled and cried for Cas like a child to his mother. I rushed back over to my desk and picked up my phone. I was about to throw it against the wall until it started to ring. 

"Cas?!" I yelled into the phone, hoping my cries were heard somehow. "No, Dean. This is Lisa. Are you okay?" All of my hopes sank when she replied, making me cry softly and not reply. "Dean, it's okay to miss Cas. But you have to move on and get on with your life." She took a deep breath. "People are here for you Dean. I'm here for you. I'm coming over okay? You need comfort and I'm going to provide it." She hung up the phone before I could yell a no at her. I didn't want her here. I just wanted Cas. 


I walk down the stairs after hearing the doorbell ring multiple times. I open the door and Lisa comes rushing in. "Dean, you look horrible." She says, walking past me to the living room. I glance at her before looking over at the mirror on the wall, showing a really sad and miserable guy looking back at me. I didn't even recognize myself. My hair was sticking up at odd angles, I had dark bags under my eyes, and I had a slight scruff around my face. Damn. 

I turn away, and walk over to where Lisa has made herself comfortable. I sit next to her and stare forwards. I really didn't want to talk about Cas, especially with Lisa. Next thing I know it, Lisa has me in a hug, her head resting on my shoulder and saying soothing words. I don't know if it was the physical contact or that I've been holding it in, but I sat there letting my tears fall down my face freely. Lisa sits up and looks me in eyes, and then wipes away a tear. She smiles slightly. 

"Dean, do you want to talk about it?" Lisa asks. I look over at her and shack my head. I let my head fall, making me look hunched back as I cry softly. She sighs and brings me into another hug, rubbing circles on my back. She leans up, bringing her mouth close to my ear and whispers, "I know what can make you feel better." I look over just in time to see her move and straddle my hips. Before I could push her off, she hungrily kisses me. I sat there shocked, not knowing what to do. But it felt wrong. 

"Lisa, stop-" I mumble against her lips but she continued to kiss me, even slipping her tongue into my mouth. I try pushing her off but she would swat my hands away. She than swam her hands up my chest and started to take my shirt off, but that's when I had enough. I sat up and maybe a little too aggressively, throw her off of me. She looks at me shocked from the other end of the couch before putting on her pouting face. "What's wrong, Mr. Problem? Didn't you like it?" Lisa asks, crawling over to me to try again. 

But I just turned to her, shock and suspension all over my face. No one calls me that except Cas. And he never told anyone that. So how does Lisa know it? She notices my change in attitude and stops. "What?" She asks, sitting back down next to me. "How do you know that?" I ask, anger stringing into my voice. She looks at me innocently, kind of confused herself. "Know what, Dean?" "Only Cas calls me that nickname. How do you know it? He never told anyone it." I almost yell at her. She gets up, and starts to walk away. "Where do you think your going?" I say jumping up and grabbing her wrist. "You need to answer the question!" I shout as she rips her hand away from me. "Dean, I can see you need some time so I'm going home, okay? Call me when your ready." Lisa says flatly, before speed walking out of the house. 

I stood there, still shocked and angry. She knows something and shes not telling me it. I got to follow her.  I quickly race upstairs to put on some fresh clothes. "Sam, I'm going out and if I'm not back in 30 minutes, call the police. Use my GPS location to mind me!" I shout to my brother, grabbing my phone. I quickly run down the stairs and out the door. "What?!" Is all I hear from Sam, before I'm jumping into my car and driving away. I look back and see Sam rushing out in a towel rapped around his waist with soap in his hair, looking at my speeding car worriedly. I'll tell him later. I just have to solve this before it kills me. I think as I look for Lisa's black car. She can't be far, but of course I lose her. So, I do the next best thing: I call her roommate. Jo picks up on the 3rd ring. 

"Yeah, what is it Winchester?" Jo asks. She's always been a sister to me, even when I broke up with Lisa. We've tried to stay friends but it's hard when you ex is your friends roommate. 

"Hey Jo. I need to know where Lisa's been going recently. Like hang outs after school, etc." I ask rapidly. 

"Umm, sure. This past week, maybe even before that, she goes to this cabin in the woods. It's just outside of town. She says she has family over there and visits them but I doubt it. She always comes home pissed and has red paint on her clothes sometimes. I'm starting to get worried." Jo says, trying to remember everything from the past week. 

"Thanks, Jo." I say before hanging up and racing out of town. If I know anything, most people don't come home pissed with red paint on them after visiting 'family'. 

Red paint, my ass. 

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