.25. Misunderstandings

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A/N: Sup, happy reading and stuff❤️
Here's my song of the week, I've been basically listening to it on repeat for days while figuring out this chapter. Hope you enjoy~



"Dean, are you sure your fine? Don't need any Advil or anything?" Cas tilts his head up to get a better look at Dean, his head hitting Dean's chin. "No, I'm fine, Cas. I swear, one black eye and you go full mother hen on me." Dean jokes, his chest bouncing up and down as he chuckles. Cas smiles and snuggles closer to Dean on his family rooms couch. Dean raps an arm around Cas's shoulders, closing the little space that was still between them and sighed.

This is perfect, Dean thought. Just him and Cas, together forever.

They sat there, watching TV and enjoying each others presence, minutes turning into hours before Cas shifts, sitting up and stretching.

"Are you hungry, Dean? We probably have some pizza if you want something." Cas says, getting up and glancing down at Dean for an answer. Dean's stomach growls at the mention of food, reminding him how hungry he is. "Yeah, that be great!" Dean says, jumping up and walking after Cas into the kitchen.

As Cas pulls out a frozen pizza from the refrigerator, humming softly to himself, Dean sits down at the kitchen table eyeing the many papers scattered on top. Dean's eyes breeze over the many bills and essays until they freeze on an unopened envelope, Castiels name written neatly across the front. He picks it up, taking a closer look at the manila envelope. It didn't say or show anything other than Cas's name and a little imprint in wax keeping the envelope closed reading 'Yale'.

"Hey Cas. What's this?" Dean asks, raising the letter up for Cas to see. The clattering of pots and pans quite and Castiels head pops up from under a cabinet, squinting his eyes and tilting his head a little. He walks over and takes the letter, flipping it over. Recognition washes over Castiels face, his eyes going wide and mouth dropping open. "What is it? Are you okay?" Dean asks, watching Cas carefully, not sure if his reaction is a good or bad one.

Cas ignores Dean, riping the letter open and reading the letter like his life depended on it. Cas's breath hitches and his hand flies to his mouth after a minute, making Dean stand up and walk over to him. "Cas, what's wrong?" Dean asks, worried. Cas looks up and smiles wide. "Dean, I was accepted!" Cas screams, jumping up and down like a giddy toddler. "Accepted for what?" Dean asks, really confused.

"This must have arrived today! Michael probably didn't want to open it without me and left it here! Oh my God, I have to tell him-," Cas gets cut off by Dean placing his hands on the boys shoulders. Dean looks Cas in the eyes. "Cas, what are you so excited about?"

After Cas takes a deep breath, he grins up at Dean. "Around the beginning of the school year, Michael had suggested I send in early college applications as a head start because of my grades and achievements over the years. We didn't think we hear back, especially this soon from them," Cas mumbles the last bit before perking back up. "Dean, I got accepted into Yale with a full scholarship! They say I can graduate early and start my first semester after spring break!" Cas cries, grinning from ear to ear.

Unbenounced to Cas as he dances in the kitchen happily, Dean sits down carefully, fear and dread flooding into his once pleasant mind. He only had a few weeks before Cas would have to leave. To a whole different state!

How could he do this to me. Why does he seem so happy to leave?

"Dean? Are you okay? Aren't you happy for me?" Cas asks, pausing his movements and his smile tipping down. Dean looks up at Cas and half-heartedly smiled, his eyes failing to make creases at the corners. His dimple missing from action, eyes still saddened about the news. Cas looked down at Dean, and frowned. Dean seemed bummed about something, he's not as happy as he thought Dean would have been.

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