.3. Little Astronaut Man

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//Cas POV//

I entered the school at a brisk pace, trying to avoid as many people as possible. I hated everyone, and for sure, people didn't like me. I was just too weird for their small minds to understand. One time I even freaked out a 7 year old when I spoke more than 5 languages in public. I chuckled remembering the social experiment Gabriel had put me through to "make more friends" as he put it. What a horrible idea that was.

Ever since then, Gabriel has always associated a lonely astronaut on the moon to me. "Misunderstood, can achieve great things and away from other people's problems" as he put it. I guess he's kind of right, no one really understands me unlike my brothers and I hate being apart of stupid people's problems. But I always saw the astrounant doing his job for people, while I'm doing it for myself. Selfish much, maybe. But do I care, no.

I walked down the hallway glancing at people passing by me. Jock, idiot, slut, another jock, nerd...I listed in my head as I walked to my classroom. What would they call me? Probably weirdo. I'd understand that. I moved my way to the back corner of the classroom and started doodling in my journal. I most have zoned out cause the morning bell scared the living day lights out of me, making me jump with a small yelp. But no one noticed as a commotion was happening in the front with the teacher. I sat back down and saw that Ms. Mills, my English teacher, was talking to *of course* Dean Winchester. I mentally sighed realizing he was in my class as he took a seat. Well great, Mr. Problem is in my first period, I thought to myself. Hopefully this is the only one.

It wasn't. He was in almost every class I had aside from AP physics that apparently only weirdos take. This is so frustrating!! Why do I of all people have to have Dean in my classes. I-i mean he is handsome, and nice to look at in class-, I jerked from my thoughts. No I can't be thinking that, I need to get over that little crush I had on him.

At the end of the day, I speed walked out of the school, just trying to get to my Corolla before anything "happens". Yes, I was picked on last year for being a weirdo. That was one of the reasons why I hated school. I just didn't want to get noticed this year, making me walk faster to my car. As I unlocked my car, I glanced up to see Mr. Problem looking at me. Our eyes met, and I swear to God his eyes were glowing green. They were beautiful, but I jerked my head away before climbing into the car. What are you doing, Cas?! Don't fall for him again! I internally screamed. I pulled out of the parking space and started to drive down the street. I glanced behind me and noticed Dean was still starring at my car. Creepy much?

I drove down the long road, thinking what had caught Dean's attention to have him stare at me? I just wish my house would show up already.

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