.12. Sorry, not sorry

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**warning: torture, language, and drug usage**

//Cas POV//

Ah look at all the lonely people
Ah look at all the lonely people

Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice
In the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream

I jerk awake, hearing the familiar song play. I look around quickly, realizing I'm not at home. Where am I? 

Waits at the window, wearing the face
That she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for

I inspect the room closely; it's dark and stuffy. Probably a basement, seeing the small, gated off windows near the ceiling. But a dirty basement at that. It was very messy, having random crap laying around on the floor and peeling paint on the walls. But the smell was the worse part. It reminds me of a morgue with it's cold and deathly stench. I then spot a MP3 player playing the song 'Eleanor Rigby' softly. 

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?

As I try to move from the chair, I glance down and realize I'm bound to it. I mentally panic as memories flood into me about that evening. I quickly put the pieces together, though. Okay, don't panic, Cas. You were kidnapped but people are bound to notice, right? But I have no idea where I am or how long I've been here!! It's okay, calm down. Dean, Michael and Gabriel would definitely notice me missing and try to find me. Just got to keep your head high until they find you.

All the lonely people                                                                                                                                                   Where do they all belong?

I jump away from my thoughts as I hear someone coming down the rickety staircase in the back corner. "Yes, yes. Don't worry, darling. I have him here, and he won't go anywhere. Now go play as Dean's shoulder to cry on." The man sighs, ending his call while turning the corner in a graceful way as I watched his every steps. I knew who it was already by the accent but was still taken aback when I saw Crowley walking towards me. 

Ah look at all the lonely people

"Ah, good morning Castiel." Crowleys eyes brighten as he sees me watching him. "Morning?" I ask, my voice scratchy from the lack of usage. Crowley gives me a small smile before pulling a chair up to me and sitting down. We stared at each other for a while before he spoke again. "Yes, it's morning. I don't fell like lying to you Castiel so ask away. I know you have a lot of questions." I glance at him cautiously, remembering I am tied to a chair in a disgusting basement. 

Ah look at all the lonely people  

"Where am I?"

"Somewhere far away from home, sweetheart." He winked evilly at me when he said sweetheart.

"How long have I been here?" I ask, making a face at him.

"Today will be three days." He says, chuckling at my expression.

"Three days?! I've been missing for three days?!" I explode. Why am I still here if it's been three days? Haven't people notice me gone?

Eleanor Rigby, died in the church
And was buried along with her name
Nobody came

It was like Crowley could read my thoughts as his smile grew broader. "Yes, Cassie, you've been here for three days. And people have noticed you gone but I'm keeping it controlled. But man, Lisa must have hit you hard to make you go unconscious for that long." Crowley says, grinning as he gets up and inspects my head. "Yup, you got a nice bruise there." He pokes the back of my head, making me jerk forward at the sudden pain in my head. "Sorry, lad." He walks back around and sits back down. 

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