.7. Just making friends, the usual

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//Cas POV//

As I drove home, I notice Gabriel is a little bit too quite so I nudge him. "Hey, you okay?" I ask, glancing at him before returning my eyes to the road. "Yeah, I'm just tired. Sam kept me talking all day, and we did a few pranks on some of the teachers. You should have seen their faces, Cassie!" Gabriel laughs at the memories and then leans his head back. "He's a lot of fun to be around but man do I lose my energy afterwards." I smile, glad he made a friend.

I pull the car into the driveway and we walk into the house. I grab a water bottle and then head upstairs to my room. I really needed to start my homework but I decided to text Dean instead. I pulled out my phone and started typing with shaking fingers. This is for homework, not recreation. You can do this.

Cas: hey Dean, it's Castiel.

I put my phone down and sighed. Good. Now you just have to wait for him to answer.
After a minute, my phone buzzed.

Dean: hey Cas! Are you free?

Cas: yeah, here's my address

I gave him my address and put my phone away. About 10 minutes later, I here the door bell going off. I run downstairs but was too late. Gabriel had already opened the door and was smirking at Dean. I shoved him aside and glanced at Dean. He wore a plaid shirt that hugged him in all of the right places and jeans to compliment. "Hey, come on in." I say, stepping out of the way for him to enter. "Thanks! Is he your brother?" Dean pointed to Gabriel who was now sitting on the couch watching TV. "Unfortunately yes." I smirked at Gabriel when he turned around to give me a stink eye. "Lets head upstairs." I reply, walking up the stairs towards my room.

Me and Dean enter my bedroom, bringing an awkward silence with us. I sat at my desk, and started to take out papers before Dean cleared his throat. I looked over and saw he was grinning like a mad man. I shift uneasily remembering yesterday when Dean stared at me.

"Um, okay I know this is going to sound weird but dude, you have beautiful eyes!" Dean says, while walking over to sit on my bed. I look over at him and tilt my head slightly. Did he just compliment me? "Um, thanks...anyways. What do you want to write about?" I ask him. Our project was pretty simple: just write about something you and your partner have in common. Dean stared at me, his eyes glazed over slightly as he thought of ideas. He perked up after a second and said, "Maybe our worst fears?"

I looked at him curiously. What an odd thing to write about. "What are some of your fears, Cas?" Dean asks, looking at me strangely. What am I afraid of? I think for a moment before answering. "Not having a home." I say softly, remembering the past and the idea of losing my family. Dean glances up to meet my eyes. He must think I'm weird now. "Wow, that's deep," is all Dean says. "What about you?" I say, generally curious. He thinks for a second, shifting his eyes to the floor and then sighed. "Probably that everyone will eventually abandon me." We looked at each other, both realizing that our fears were generally similar.

"Okay, let's write about that then." I say softly, opening my laptop to start typing.

After a few hours of working, talking, and getting to know each other, me and Dean started to act like friends. We made jokes to each other, laughed and even shared some deep thoughts. It was great, and it looked like Dean was enjoying himself too. As the evening rolled in, Michael came home with Chinese food and we all ate dinner together. But before that, I had to explain why Dean was here to Michael who looked very suspicious. Dean then left after dinner, giving me a hug and walking out. We promised to meet up tomorrow to finish the project.

As I headed up to my bedroom, I smiled at the thought that I just made a new friend. And it was Dean Winchester of all people. Weird how your biggest problem could be a solution to something else.

I walked into my room and realized I should probably tell Charlie what happened. I picked up my phone and started typing, furiously.

Cas: Guess who just made a friend?

Cas: This guy! :)

She immediately responded saying:

Charlie: OMG who is it!

Cas: you wouldn't believe me for a second

Charlie: Who is it god damn it!

Cas: Oh just Dean Winchester

Charlie: ...


Cas: yeah and he's actually a lot of fun to be around

Cas: (and he's not bad to look at from time to time ;))

Charlie: easy there tiger, sorry but I got to go. See you tomorrow, Cassie?

Cas: yeah goodnight

Charlie: bye bitch

I chuckled at her last comment and got ready for bed.

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