.16. The Aftermath

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   "The more I stray the less I fear
And the more I reach the more I fade away
     The darkness right in front of me
Oh it's calling out and I won't walk away"

Imagine Dragons, Rise up


//Dean POV//

Oh my god.

He opened his eyes and he's smiling at me.

I can't get anything out of my mouth except a gasp. From Gabriel's silence, I think he's the same way right now. Just absolutely shocked and relieved. Cas watches us, his blue eyes going back and forth between me and Gabe. 

"Are you guys okay?" Cas asks softly, a small frown spreading across his face. I don't answer, I just get up and give him another hug. He stiffens for a second but then melts into the embrace. As best he can, he returns the hug shifting slightly so his bandaged arms with IV lines softly rest on my back. 

"I missed you so much, Cas." I whisper into the crook of his neck. "I missed you too, Dean." He whispers back, pulling away. I let go of him and sit back down, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He smiles at me and then Gabriel, who is still so shocked to have not said anything. Cas opened his mouth to say something but his head then whipped to the door. I look over and see two police officers walk in, holding a clipboard. 

"Sorry to interrupt the reunion boys, but we need to speak with Castiel. Alone." The tall one says professionally, smiling sadly at us. Gabe pat's Cas's shoulder and then walks out. I glance over at him before saying, "Okay, I'll be outside if you need me Cas." He gives me a curt nod and a small smile before I walk out of the door, slowly closing it just enough to give them privacy. 

I stand next to Gabriel, who's now looking at his phone texting someone. "Hey, I'm going to go home and tell Michael Cas is awake, okay?" He says, putting his phone away to look at me. "Okay, but do you need a ride home?" I ask, realizing how the heck did he get here. "No, I'm fine. Sam's coming to pick me up." He winks at me before his signature smile appears. "What? Sam doesn't have his license yet..." I say slowly as Gabriel sarcastically nods. "Yeah, but the police don't know that. All they see is a huge guy driving a teenager around." I slowly shake my head, laughing. Lord, these two are going to drive me crazy. "What about you?" Gabe asks. "Nah, I think I'm going to stay a little longer. See you later and don't get in a car accident. Tell Sam I said hi and that he's grounded." "You got it, Deano!" I wave to him as he starts to walk towards the exit. 

Standing there and watching Gabe walk away, my stomach groans loudly. A middle-aged nurse looks over at me from the nurse station and smirks. She walks over to me, smiling kindly. "You must be the young man you sits by Castiel everyday. Dean, right?" She says sweetly, patting my shoulder. "Yeah, he's my best friend. I didn't want to leave him alone. But, how do you know my name?"

She smiles at me and leans in, lowering her voice so everyone in the hallway won't hear her. "When Castiel first came here from the rescue, he had woken up slightly after the doctors had got some medicine in him. He began to ramble about you and how sorry he was for leaving." 

"What do you mean by leaving?" I ask quietly, looking at her worriedly. 

"Dean, Castiel believed he was going to die." She glanced towards Cas's door and than back at me. "He had pleaded to everyone to tell you he was sorry and that he'll miss you like nothing else. It was really hard to see him like that, begging for forgiveness and calling your name when he was basically bleeding to death. And when he went unconscious again, everyone was sure he had passed away. But it was a miracle when we saw he fell into a coma, because most patients don't survive the first day with that much blood lost. I hope you know how lucky he is to even be alive and talking right now."

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