.14. Slipping Away

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//Cas POV//

What's going on? I look around slowly, my eyes barely open. Why's Lisa here? She doesn't usually come till the afternoon, probably when school gets out. I watch her pace around the small basement. I don't think she realizes I'm awake. As I watch her, I realize my head was still fuzzy and my body still numb in some places from yesterdays drugs. Just thinking straight was difficult.

I let out a soft groan, my head flopping back. It felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls. I could barely feel the ropes dig into my wrists as I try to lift them up and wipe the sweat off my face. Lisa glances over at me, smiling slightly at my actions. I could tell she enjoyed watching me struggle. 

I stare back at her, just wanting to get the daily torture out of the way and over with. 

Lisa looked over my body. She had torn my shirt off a few days ago, leaving my chest bare with the bloodied marks. But I still had my pants on which is a small blessing in it's self. Her eyes wandered around my face, probably looking at my bloodshot eyes and messing hair. I probably looked horrible. I know I've lost weight, the small portions of bread and water barely sustaining me. And I haven't had a shower since they took me, leaving all the dried blood clinging to my skin. A shower sounds really nice right now.  

Lisa reluctantly turned away when we hear footsteps coming down the stairs, revealing Crowley. "Did you get my message?" Lisa asks, looking at him happily. "Yes, I did. But just so you know, this will cost extra." Crowley says, handing her a large bottle full of a clear liquid. "Yeah, sure whatever. Just start giving him it." She says, walking over to me. 

Suddenly, Lisa's up in my face, saying things I don't understand at first but it slowly turns audible. Wow, my brain's really going to shit from the drugs. 

"I'm sick and tired of you." Lisa sneers at me. "Even with you here, Dean can't stop talking about you. It's 'Cas this, 'Cas that', or 'I need to find him!'" she yells, imitating Deans voice. I perk up at the mention of Dean. So he is trying to find me. "Why can't he just forget about you and be happy with me?! I deserve to be loved too!" She slams her fist into the nearby table suddenly. I don't even flinch at her actions. I'm just so tired of all of this bullshit. 

Lisa leans in close to my face again and whispers, "So now, I'm getting rid of you, permanently." She flicks her wrist towards Crowley, signalling something to him. 

I glance over at Crowley who's walking towards me with a full syringe of the mystery liquid. I look back over at Lisa lazily. "You know, this won't fix anything." I say, my words slurred as I spit them at her. "Dean's still going to miss me and sooner or later, he'll find out what happened to me. Then he'll never want to be will you!" I yell at her as Crowley injects the drug into me. 

My arm jerks from the sudden intrusion. Crowley slowly lets the liquid into my veins, glancing up at me and mouths 'I'm sorry'. My head naturally tilts to the side, confused by the apology. Why would he be sorry for this? I look back up to Lisa, who's smiling down at me. "What are you doing to me?" I ask, my voice more slurred than before. My vision started to slowly fail as the world around me started to turn blurry and my head pounded with an unexpected headache. 

"Don't worry, Castiel. Just giving you some extra medicine before I finish the job." Lisa says as she walks over and picks up her notorious knife. Whatever feeling I got in my body from waking up quickly went away, I felt nothing. Almost like my body was gone. Detached and thrown away. It was starting to become hard to even blink my eyes as I watched Lisa move towards me. 

She placed the knife on my upper right arm and slowly moved it towards her. I watched helplessly as the knife went deep into my arm, blood quickly falling away from the wound. But what scared me the most was that I couldn't feel anything. Not the wound. Not the blood falling away from my body. Not even the slow tear that ran down my cheek. 

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