.11. The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty

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//Dean POV//

35 messages sent

Dean: Hey Cas! Didn't see you in first period. Everything okay?

Dean: I know you wouldn't miss a test if your life depended on it. Just text me soon

 Dean: So, I was going to ask Gabriel what was going on but he's not here either. 

Dean: Cas? Why aren't you talking to me?

Dean: Did I do something? 

5 unanswered calls

Dean: Cas? 

Dean: No one is picking up. 

Dean: You're freaking me out, Cas...

I walk to my car after an exhausting school day. I wonder what's up with Cas, he never misses my calls. I sigh, picking up my phone again. I dial his number and hold my phone up to my ear. I wanted to hear his deep voice answer and reassure me that everything was okay. But like before, all I got was his voicemail. "Hey Cas. Why aren't you picking up? I'm freaking out over here from not hearing from you. What's worse is that your brothers won't pick up either. I'm coming over later, okay. See you soon." I close my phone, ending my voicemail right when Sam climbs into the passengers seat. 

"Hey have you seen Gabriel today?" I ask him. "Nope, but what's weird is that he usually texts me whenever he skips, but this time he didn't. Why you ask?" Sam says, narrowing his eyes at me. "Cas wasn't here today and he's not responding to my messages." I say starting to drive towards our house. "Maybe they're sick and don't have time to get to a phone? Or maybe they're visiting family...," Sam began to ramble as I sat their in silence. I could tell he was just as confused and worried as I was. 

We pulled up to our house and hopped out, only stopping for some food before going over to the Novak's house. As I sat there eating an apple, I heard Sam shouting my name to look at the T.V.. I walked into our living room and saw a special report being played on the T.V. by the local news. "...he was last seen yesterday evening, at the Summer Hills Shopping Center. Surveillance video shows Mr. Novak exiting the Chinese restaurant, and walking towards the parking lot. Again, a young man named Castiel Novak is missing." I immediately paled at what the report said. Cas is missing? I look over at Sam, who meet my glance. We were both super worried now.

I look back to the screen and see Cas's two brothers, Gabriel and Michael, standing next to police officers. They looked horrible. Both seemed to have not slept and have been crying recently. "Police suggest Mr. Novak ran away an....""Cas wouldn't just leave!" Gabriel jumped forward, interrupting the reporter. "He loves his family and friends. He wouldn't just get up and leave without telling anyone." Said Gabriel before braking down right in front of the camera. Michael rushed over and hugged Gabriel tight before walking out of the cameras view. "If you know anything, please call the number on the bottom of the screen. Jim, back to you." The reporter said before signing off. 

I turned the T.V. off and glanced over at Sam. We were both pale and worried eye. "We should go over there." I say in a small voice. I can't believe Cas is missing. Where would he go? What if someone kidnapped him? My mind raced with ideas as we got in the impala and drove to the Novaks house. When we got there, we were meet with police cars lining the street and officers talking to neighbors. Missing cases were rare in our small town, making this a big deal. I parked the car and practically flew to the front door with Sam close behind me. I ripped the front door open in a rush to find answers. 

"Sir? Sir! You can't be here." A police officer yelled, rushing towards us, blocking our path from going any further into the house. "No, you don't understand, they're my friends!" I shout trying to move around the officer. "Sir, you need to leav...""Dean? Sam?" I glance  behind the officer and see Gabriel. "Officer, you can let them pass." Gabe says, his voice shaking slightly. Me and Sam rush over, giving him a tight hug. 

"We heard what happened. Are you okay?" Sam asks, holding on to his friend. Gabriel tried to speak but broke down into sobs, crying into Sam's shoulder. "I'm going to try and find Michael." I whisper to Sam, before moving into the kitchen. I saw him hunched over papers reading 'MISSING', sitting at their kitchen table. I didn't know the guy very well, but I could tell he was hurting. "Hey Michael." I say softly, getting his attention. He looked up, giving me a small smile before looking back down. Man, it was difficult to see him like this. All sad and broken, he was even crying slightly. I walked over to him, putting a soothing hand on his shoulder. He looked up and I could see that the once strong man from before was shattered into a million pieces. I saw in his eyes that he blamed himself.

"It's not your fault, Michael." I sit next to him as slow tears roll down his cheeks. "If I didn't work late and got dinner, he would be sitting here, Dean. It's all my fault." Michael says, looking me in the eyes before crying some more. We sat there in silence, going over every detail of what happened in our heads. That's when it hit me. 

"Wait, did they find his car?" I ask. "Yeah, it was still in the parking lot of the restaurant. Even had the food sitting in the passengers seat." Michael said softly. I sighed, my best idea a bust. "Did they find his phone?" "No, the police say he must have it or someone took it from the scene." Michael said, looking at me strangely. 

"Is the GPS on?" I ask him, starting to grow hopeful when I see Michael perk up. "It should be..," Michael jumped up, running over to his laptop in the family room. I quickly followed him and sat down across from Michael. As he logged in and began working, I glanced around. I never noticed all of the pictures hanging on the walls. I get up and walk over to a large grouping of pictures, seeing all of the smiling faces. I quickly spot Castiel and his brothers, always hugging and smiling with each other. But behind them were two people, I could only guess was their parents, smiling at them, pride plastered to their faces. I immediately observe that all of the pictures show Gabriel to be maybe about 10, with their parents with them. There were no recent pictures of them. They probably haven't taken any new pictures since their parents car crash. 

"Hey, Dean!" Michael yelled, catching my attention. "Did you find it?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking. "Yeah, but this can't be right." Michael stared at the screen, not believing whatever it said. "What?" "It says that his phone is in your school..," Michael glances up at me. I quickly get up, followed by Michael holding his laptop. I yelled to Sam who was upstairs to stay here, then I ran outside with Michael. I could tell he already knew what I was thinking and climbed into my car as I started it, heading to the school. When I pulled in, we jumped out and ran into the school, Michael guiding me with his laptop. He pointed down a hallway lined with lockers and stopped in front of one. It was Cas's. For some reason, Michael knew Cas's combination and opened the locker, only to reveal that it was empty. The only thing sitting there though was Cas's phone with a note on it. I pick it up and read the note out loud. 

"Why would we make it that easy for you? Better luck next time on finding your precious Castiel~"

I looked up, looking at the now pale Michael. So someone did take Cas, but who?


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