.27. Moving forward

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//Dean POV//

I jerk awake. 

My breathing was erratic as my heart thudded against my chest. Sweat dripped down the side of my face as I rub a hand across my mouth, yawning. I sit up on the bed, Cas' bed. Sunlight streamed in, dust particles glistening like tiny snowflakes in the room. Birds chirped happily outside, a beautiful day welcoming me as if my dream, no nightmare, had never occurred.  

Okay. Breath Dean. You're fine. It was just a messed up dream.

I swing my legs down and stand up, stretching tall as I hear someone walking around downstairs. I take a quick look outside to see the Novak's neighbors doing yard work, chatting peacefully as cars drive by. Sighing, I walk downstairs humming a soft tune to a song that I don't remember the name of. 

I slowly make my way to the kitchen to see Cas in nothing but his boxers and a white undershirt, sliding across the tile, preparing breakfast. To be honest, he was probably dancing to the beat of his own song but it came across as just flailing around in nothing but his underwear and socks. 

I smile as I lean against the door frame, watching him as he stays oblivious to my presence. Seeing him this happy reminds me of last night and my dream. The pain and dread I felt while sleeping returned again, making me close my eyes to block it out. What was that dream about anyway?  

"Dean?" My eyes pop open to see Cas staring at me, a slight grin on his face. I smile at him.

"Mornin'." I say softly.

Cas smiles. "Good morning Dean. I'm making pancakes for breakfast." Cas says, turning back to the stove. 

"Cool, thanks." I say walking over to him. I slowly rap my arms around his waist, pulling him against my chest as I rest my chin on his shoulder. Cas sighs happily. "Dean, I won't be able to flip the pancakes if your holding me like this." Cas says, his voice slightly deeper than before. "Mhmm," I lift my chin and place a kiss just below his ear. "Then let them burn," I whisper hoarsely. 

Cas turns around, still pressed against me. Our lips connect in a monumental kiss, both of us smiling. 

The pancakes were soon forgotten about, the burnt smell of them filling the kitchen.


"Congratulations Dean! We're finally done with high school!" Cas shouts excitedly. Dean smiles, watching Cas smile back at him. They both wore they're graduation gowns, the long blue silk filling up all of the extra room in the Impala. Cas still wore his cap, the long, golden string waving in front of his smiling, crystal blue eyes.  

"You too! We're both officially adults now. Scary." Dean smirks. "Dean!" Cas shoves Deans shoulder lightly, him laughing slightly. "Don't act all emotional, your gushing all over your face." Cas says sarcastically. "Well, I can't wait to be an adult. College, jobs, no annoying people that I hate seeing everyday. And we can finally start moving forward and build a life together!" Cas says happily. 

Dean looks over from the road, glancing at Cas. It's been about 3 months since Dean's startlingly clear dream of what college could bring to their relationship. It worried him, that he might screw up everything. Dean couldn't live without Cas now. Thinking of Cas leaving or him doing something so stupid to break them up seems like hell on earth to Dean. 

They've shared too many wonderful memories now. 

For Christmas, Cas went with Dean to a mountain lodge, Sam and Gabriel tagging along also. They went adventuring through the mountains and when it snowed, they all skied and sled down the tall mountains together. But when it was finally time for them to leave, Cas and Dean decided to stay a little longer, until school started which wasn't for another week.

So, Sam and Gabriel drove back home while Dean and Cas enjoyed some time alone. Dean even tried to teach Cas how to ice skate, ending in Cas spraining his forearm in the process. Dean felt horrible, but Cas kept kissing him whenever he brought it up.

Finally, when they returned home, Cas and Dean continued in their habits until graduation. Taking turns sleeping at each others houses, eating dinners together with their brothers, wishing each other sweet dreams, etc.

But now, college loomed over Dean heavily. He never planned on going, sticking with the mechanic job he had gotten a few weeks ago. Cas however, was bouncing with excitement on going to Yale. Dean was happy for him but also terrified. He'll miss Cas so much, as if Cas was taking his heart all the way to Connecticut.

"Dean?" Cas asks softly. Dean jerks back to reality, glancing back over at him. "Yeah?" "What were you thinking of?" Cas questions. Dean makes a face towards him but stays silent. "Dean, I know you were thinking of something heavy. You looked constipated." Dean cracks a smile in the end as he pulled into Cas's driveway. He turned off the engine and sighed.

"I'm just worried about the whole long distance relationship thing. What if we grow apart or meet new people? What if you don't come back? Cas, I'm just so worried. Part of me just wants to go with you but the other half knows you need to do this, by yourself." Cas puts a hand on Dean's, squeezing it softly. "I know you want to do this. And I support you all the way. I'm just worried." Dean says, his voice barely above a whisper.


Dean looks up, tears glistening in his eyes. Cas moves closer and raps him in a warm hug, Dean burrowing his face into Cas's shoulder. They sit there for what feels like hours before Cas pulls away slightly.

"Hey." Cas says. Dean looks up, rubbing his eyes. "I might be going away physically, but I'm not leaving mentally. It's only for two years and you'll visit me and I'll visit you. Nothing bad is gonna happen, okay? And also, those were all just 'what if' questions, so I'm not having any of it." Cas smiles. Dean nods his head and sighs. Cas chuckles, leaning in to kiss his nose. "And by the way, I have surprise for you."

Dean chuckles, giving Cas a questioning look as they climb out of the car. "What's the surprise?" Cas bites his lip and shrugs, pulling Dean into his house. "Guess you'll have to find out, won't you?" Cas led Dean upstairs with a sly smile and pulled him into his bedroom.

The door softly shut behind them, all you could hear was a thud as if pressure was just applied to it. Then the moans started.

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