.28. New beginnings

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Sorry for not posting in forever. I've had writers block for a while now, and I'm not sure how long I want to keep this story going. So, we'll see.



"Are you okay, Dean?" Cas glances over, eyeing Dean as his breathing becomes more labored and his hands clench open and close repeatedly. 

People turn and look startled by Deans reaction in the line. Even the lady sitting behind the desk looming in front of them looked concerned as she took passengers tickets. 

Dean looks quickly towards Cas and then back up at the glowing screen saying their flight leaves in a few minutes. "I'm peachy, just peachy." Dean grumbles. Cas reaches for Deans hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "It's okay, Dean. It's only a 3 hour flight and I'll be there the whole time." Dean sighs and nods, grumbling under his breath as they pass their tickets to the now smiling lady and board the flight. 


"I can't believe you made me do that!" Dean says, exasperated. Cas sighs, tired from the long flight and Deans complaining. It ranged from loud sighs and humming songs under his breath to out right shouting cuss words and yelling at the flight attendants that 'this rust bucket shouldn't even be able to fly, one bad wind and we're going down!'. After that Cas had to get more creative on how to shush him and not freak out even more passengers. He lathered Deans face with kisses and even went as far as to putting his hand on his thigh, squeezing it whenever Dean looked close to having another outburst. It made the flight feel like double its time but Dean survived. 

"Come on, lets go before the flight attendants try and call the cops." Cas says warily. Dean stops and looks Cas up and down. "Why? What did we do?" Cas raises his eyebrows with a funny look on his face. "Dean, you seemed drunk when yelling out and shouting at the attendants. Even I couldn't stop the weird faces they gave you." Dean huffs but stays silent. "Alright, come on. Let's try and find a cab." "Okay." Dean takes Cas' hand and they walk out of the busy airport.  


"Okay, I think this is it." Cas pulls out a small key and plays with the door knob until the door unlocked, allowing Dean and Cas to walk into the small room. Cas grins wildly, while Dean goes slightly pale. It's the same room from my dream. They walk in, dragging a few bags in with them as they take in the room. Cas looked around smiling, glancing around at the beautiful hardwood to it's large window overlooking the Yale campus. Trees suede in the spring wind as flowers smiled up at the glowing sun, painting a beautiful picture. 

Dean walked over to the window also, and grimaced. Add snow and it's the same backdrop to their fight that ended everything. As Dean just stared out the window solemnly, Cas began to unpack his bags, placing clothes into the closet and arranging his textbooks along the shelves above his new desk. Cas moved around the room, oblivious to Deans reaction to their situation. 

"Hey Dean, can you help me put these up?" Dean turns and sees Cas holding photographs in frames motioning to the wall. Dean nods and walks over, nailing the wall just above their heads as Cas draped the fragile frames on their new places on the wall. When they finished, Cas smiled proudly and kissed Dean's cheek before moving onto the next task. As Cas started to alphabetize his book collection, Dean stayed there, eyes grazing slowly over the pictures now up on the wall. Some were of Cas and his family, the brothers smiling wide, and others were of them. Even including a picture that he didn't know existed, it was them kissing at the mountain resort they went to for Christmas. Cas's arm was in a cast as he held Dean close to kiss him. Dean must not have noticed that Cas had also took a picture of them during their kiss. Dean sighed loudly gaining Cas' attention.

"Everything okay?" Cas asks. He walks over to stand next to Dean again. "Yeah, I just have never seen this picture before." In real life, he added in his thoughts. "It's cute." Dean smiles slowly, glancing down at Cas. "Sorry, I should have told you but wheres the fun in that? It was just such a nice moment, even with the circumstances." Cas absentmindedly rubs his healed arm. Dean nods his head slowly before going to sit on Cas' bed. 

Cas shock off the moment and continued to set up his room as Dean watched. 


"Dean, I'll be fine. I'll call you when I get back from classes and you'll visit in a few weeks-," Dean smashes his lips onto Cas's, silencing him. After about of minute, Dean pulled away for air but just pulled Cas into an even tighter huge. Cas held on to Dean as he buried his face into Cas's neck. "I'll miss you so much." Dean whispered. Cas pulled away and smiled a sad smile. "I'll miss you, too. Just remember, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here if you want to visit." "Okay." Dean smiled small before pulling Cas into another hug. 

Minutes later, a horn honked loudly outside. The couple pulled apart and smiled sadly. "That must be Sam." Dean mumbles, grabbing his jacket. "Probably. I still can't believe you made your brother drive all the way here." Cas laughs, before opening the door for Dean. "Leverage is a bitch." Dean smiles and winks. Cas smiles, shaking his head. "What'd you use this time?" "Oh, just that I know Sam and Gabriel are in a relationship and they do role-playing." Dean smiles evilly. "And Sam doesn't want Gabriel to know how much he likes it." They both laugh loudly and smile at each other. 

Sam blows the horn again, even longer then before. Dean sighed. "You should probably go before Sam storms up here." Cas says smiling. "Okay." Dean pulls Cas into one more kiss before starting to walk away. "Bye Dean." Cas almost shouts as Dean walks away. Dean turns and shows his cheeky grin, backing up as he shouts, "Don't say that! It sounds too permanent! How about, I'll see you soon!" Cas laughs and waves. 

"I'll see you soon, Dean!" Cas shouts just as Dean rounds the corner, disappearing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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