.24. Judgement Day

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Yo sorry this is a little late..hope you like it! And by the way, I don't know much about court stuff, I just watch a lot of TV so some of this might be wrong...but I'm making this chapter long so yayyy!



"All rise for the honorable Judge Ren." Hollered the bailiff.

He was an older gentleman, wise and cunning for an officer of the law. But over the years, his heart became as hard as stone. He didn't care what came of these criminals, the many guilty strangers walking through the court doors begging for forgiveness.

The bailiff has had a hard past and difficult present. His wife and children were murdered in a home invasion years ago, them tied down and throats slit. His two young girls lying next to their mother, tears streaked down their cheeks, dead. At the time, he was just a small town mechanic. Finding his family like this though devastated him and almost destroyed him.

He swore he would find the people who did it and bring justice to his deceased family. And he did. The two men were found guilty of 3 counts of first degree murder and breaking 'an entering, sending them to jail for the rest of their lives.

But that wasn't enough for the young mechanic. He decided to become a police officer to help other families like his and put away monsters for good.

This case was no different to him.

As Castiel and Dean walked in, hand in hand, the bailiff watched them silently. They walked slowly towards their seats, quietly muttering things to each other as they sat down. He could see some of the boys scars peak out from under his jacket sleeves as he rested his head on the others shoulder. He felt horrible for the young men, knowing just how hard it must be to be where he is and the pain he felt. At least he has the support from the other young man. He assumed they were dating from their closeness and smiled. They seemed happy together.

Dean and Castiel didn't notice the bailiff walk towards them as they talked silently. "Excuse me." The bailiff spoke softly, but sternly gaining their attention. "Um, yes?" Castiel asked, confused. He found it odd for the officer in the court to have come up to them. Especially when the hearing was about to start. "Sorry to bother you boys, but I just wanted to give my sympathies to you both and say that justice will be served today." Castiel nodded respectfully, smiling sadly. "Thank you, Officer-?" "Oakland. Wayne Oakland." He smiled softly, patting Cas' shoulder. "Thank you, Officer Oakland." The bailiff nodded, and then walked back to his spot next to the judge.

Watching the bailiff's back as he walked away, Dean grimaced. He didn't want anyone's sympathy, especially strangers'. And he didn't think Cas wanted it either. He was just too polite to say anything. Yes, their experiences had been horrible but they didn't want anyone to think of them differently. Dean sighed, annoyed. He just wanted to hear the verdict before he fell asleep. Dean had come very close to snoring last time but was smacked and woken up by Cas before he went up to give his testimony. He glanced over at Castiel, watching him blink slowly as he watched the Judge gather his papers.

Cas yawned. They had to get up early today for the finale hearing. But he just wanted to stay in bed, snuggled against Dean's bare chest. "Why do we have to be here, at this hour for God's sake?" Cas thinks. He leans against Dean, still staring forwards. Dean wraps his arm around Cas' shoulders and squeezes him softly as he leans over to kiss his head. They just hoped everything would be over after today.

They sat there like that, hearing the final statements and arguments between the two groups. As minutes turned into hours, the judge finally had a decision to make and he made it quickly. About half an hour later, Judge Ren comes out of the back room, walking confidently back to his chair, Officer Oakland at his heals.

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