.26. Weird dreams

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**sorry for taking a break for a while but here's some foreshadowing..**

//Dean POV//

"...just leave already, would you? I'm sick and tired of having you hover over my shoulder, "protecting me". And guess what? News flash: I can take care of myself. And I'll be damned if I let you baby me anymore after what you did. So just leave and stay out of my life!"


I look around the small room, eyeing the many photos and books along the wall, the soft rug of a bumblebee on old hardwood against my feet, and the low, mumbled voices behind the walls and door. A loud, angry voice fills the room, his nagging just not quite understandable as I look around. A small, wooden desk sits opposite of me, pilled high with papers and marked textbooks. A cool breeze blows into the room, ruffling my hair of course, a window to the right wide open and displaying a view of a beautiful, wintery campus. Snow clung to the many trees and ground as fresh snowflakes fall. A few fly into my face as the breeze intensifies, making me shiver.

Where am I?

The room becomes drastically quite, the loud rambling of someone familiar dying down and the slow rustling of leaves fading away as I stand from my seated position on a small bed. I glance around, finding Cas by the door.

He was looking at me, yelling and flailing his hands around angrily. He was shouting things but no noise left his mouth. His blue eyes flashed, the only sign of how angry he was.

What the hell happened?

I walk around and take in the room more closely, noticing how Cas continues to yell at my original spot on the bed. He didn't even notice my figure walk behind him and wave my hand in front of his face. Weird.

I leave Cas and wander around the room, looking for clues of where I am and what the hell as going on.

The room was a soft blue color filled with photographs and books shelves, holding textbooks and a collection of reading books. On closer inspection, the smiling faces on the wall were of mostly Cas's family, mainly his brothers but a few held my face. Some were from the first few weeks of our friendship, when we worked on the project together. But another was us kissing, at a place I don't remember visiting. It was snowing and Cas had a cast on his left forearm. The date in the corner says it was taken in January. But wasn't January not until a few weeks? Strange.

I move away from the wall and hover over the desk, it stacked with essays and forms, Cas's handwriting neatly across ever paper. I grab one from the top and look closer. "The Americas History and Contributions by: Castiel Novak," read the top. At the top left corner wielded the crest of Yale.

Realization hit me hard in the face. The books, photos, the rug, the essays...

I was in Cas's college dorm room. At Yale. Sometime in the future.

And he was yelling at me. What did he say earlier? Something like "leave and stay out of my life?" What the heck did I do? And why can't I hear him?!

I shift quickly towards Cas, grabbing his shoulders and shake him hard, trying to get a 'normal' reaction out of him. Anything to snap him out of this state. His yelling continued though, and it was getting worse. Much worse. He screamed something over and over again and barred his teeth like a rabid animal, his hands shaking uncontrollably as he pointed furiously at the empty spot where I once sat. I've never seen him this livid.

"Cas?" I squek. My voice sounded funny, almost fake; not real.


"Why do you screw everything up? This was going so well!" Cas screamed suddenly. He motioned between me and himself, his hands hitting my chest hard. "I only asked that you be patient! That you'd wait and let me have this time at college! But no! You have to get jealous in the first few weeks and run. And then I find out you fucked her! What were you thinking!? Do you know how horrible I felt finding out all of this from Sam! Your little brother!" He sneered at me, standing dangerously quite as I stare dumbfounded. "I can't even look at you right now. She was my friend and you ruined it. You ruined this." His hands breeze between us. "You ruined everything! Get out!" Cas roared. He stabbed a finger towards the door. "And if I ever see your face again- beep! Beep! Beep!

I jerk awake.

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