.19. You and I

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A/N: Sorry for not posting in a while! School and family happened but I promise to keep writing! Hope you enjoy!



//Dean POV//


I jump up, throwing Cas off me. He yelps as he hits the floor with a thud. "Jesus, sorry!" I yell, looking at Cas who's now on the ground rubbing his side. "It's fine." He smiles up at me. I get up, pulling Cas up with me and walk over to the door, opening it to reveal a young, blonde pizza-man holding a large pizza box. "Oh shit." I mumble. I run over to my wallet and grab a 20 dollar bill. "Here, sorry for the delay, man." I say, handing him the cash and grabbing the pizza. "Your fine." He says, smiling. "Oh, and keep the change." I say, handing the pizza over to Cas. "Thanks. Have a nice evening!" I close the door, and sigh. I had totally forgot about the pizza Cas ordered. 

I glance over at Cas, who's walking over to the kitchen. I would be lying to myself if I didn't sneak a look at his ass, but damn. He looked good. And he seems more energized than before. I smile and walk over to him, grabbing a slice from over his shoulder. "Hey! That was mine!" He shouts at my retreating figure. I laugh, throwing myself on the couch. 

A phone starts to ring somewhere in the kitchen and Cas rushes to grab it before it ends. I can hear him taking to someone, probably Michael. I hear little snip-its of the conversation, something like a business trip and he won't be back till next Friday. He kept asking Cas if he'll be alright without him. Cas kept replying yes until there was a pause and then the phone was hung up. Just when I think Cas is about to walk out of the kitchen, the phone rings again. I hear Cas sigh, agitated. He picks it up and apparently it's Gabriel asking if he can stay over at my house with Sam for a sleepover. Cas pops his head out if the kitchen with a questioning face, pointing to the phone. I nod, and he gives me a thumbs up before walking back in. He talks for a minute more and then hangs up.

Finally, he comes out of the kitchen with a slice in his hand and sits next to me. "So, Sam and Gabriel are going to have a sleepover?" I ask jokingly. Cas smirks and says, "Apparently. And on the same day as ours." He snickers and then starts to eat his slice of pizza. I inhale mine and glance over at the clock. 9:00 pm. It's only been an hour since we fell asleep. 

"Hey, Cas?" He glances up from his pizza. "Yeah?" "How did you sleep?" I ask nervously. I hope he didn't have another nightmare. "Better." He says, smiling at me. I smile back, relieved. We sit on the couch and watch TV for awhile, eating pizza and talking. It was nice, just like how we did it before he went missing. Just enjoying each others presence and being goof-balls with each other. At some point, Cas had gotten popcorn and was eating it while we watched 'Caption America: The Winter Solider'. Or should I say, while I watched it. He sat there eating, watching me instead of the movie. I glance over, making him shot his eyes away from me to the screen in a panic. I grin and nudge him. "I saw that." I whisper. A red blush tints his cheeks slowly, making me smile broader. 

"No you didn't." He says softly, not making eye-contact. I chuckle but leave it alone. 


Silence filters through the room as the movie credits flow up on the screen. I watch them silently when I start to hear soft snoring coming from my side. I look over and find Cas leaning on the arm of the couch, sleeping. I sigh. He looks so peaceful and calm right now. I just want to sit here and watch him sleep but that would be creepy. I stand up and scoop him up bridal style and carry him to his bed. His head rests against my chest as I walk up the stairs. I carefully lay him down on his bed and walk back downstairs to the couch. I lay down and slowly fall asleep. 

It must have been a few hours later, but I start to hear soft crying and moans. I rub my eyes, looking around for what was making the sounds but I don't find anything. Then it hit me. Cas! I jump off the couch and run up the stairs. I rush into his bedroom and find him in a fetal position, crying and moaning something I don't quite understand.

"Cas? Hey, Cas." I rub his back and move him over. I shake him slightly until he shifts. I sit next to him and watch him slowly wake up. "Dean?" He looks around sleepily, tilting his head in confusion. "How did I get up here?" He asks, looking back over at me. "I carried you. You fell asleep on the couch." I say softly. "Oh," is all he says before resting his head on his pillow again. "Nightmare?" He nods his head slowly. I sigh. We'll talk about it tomorrow. I start to get up but I'm stopped by Cas grabbing my wrist quickly. "Can you stay?" He asks quietly. I look into his fearful blue eyes before laying down next to him. Cas shifts over and then once I'm comfortable, he rests his head on my chest. "Thanks, Dean." Cas says softly as he hugs my torso. "Anytime." I say as I put my arm around him protectively. We both quickly fall back asleep. 


Cas must have slept well after I came upstairs. He slept passed 10:00, snoring his head off without another incident. He still had his head on my chest, a little drool running down his chin onto my t-shirt. At some point last night, he threw his leg over me and snuggled closer making me question him. I wish this was real but it's probably just an unaware sleepy Cas just trying to get comfortable. But what if he had feelings for me? That would explain why he wanted me to sleep next to him to feel safe. I shake my head. He probably just wanted my company. 

I sigh. What are we going to do today? I really don't want it to be as depressing as yesterday was. Then, an idea popped in my head. I smile. I think he'll like it. But, we should probably get up and get moving.

"Cas." I shake his shoulder but he just groans and smacks my face to shut up. I laugh at the action and slowly sit up, making him move. "Really?" He says, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Yup. Sorry, buddy. It's already 10:00." "What!?" He jumps up and falls out of bed. I'm laughing hysterically now, watching Cas run around frantically in sweatpants that are too long for him and a tight t-shirt. He must have changed sometime last night. He grabs some fresh clothes and runs into his connected bathroom. An idea pops in my head of why he's so frantic. 

I get up and walk over to the closed bathroom door. I knock and say, "Cas. You do know it's Saturday, right?" The bathroom door flies open to reveal a shirt-less Cas still in sweatpants with a dumbfound face. "Really?" He groans. "Yeah." That's all I could get out while looking at his toned chest. Yes, it still had the nasty scars on it, but damn he still looked fine. He smirked while passing me, and layed back on the bed. Oh god. Did he see me checking him out?

"So, why did you wake me up?" He mumbles, face flat on a pillow. "It's late. And I have a surprise for you." I say. That get's his attention. He sits up and looks at me suspiciously. "What kind of surprise?" He questions. "A good one. Now, get dressed but don't rush. I don't need you having whiplash just to get ready." I say walking out of his bedroom to give privacy. As I walk downstairs, I try flattening my shirt. I didn't have a change of clothes so I guess I'll just borrow a ton of deodorant from Cas. I walk into the kitchen and start to make pancakes. I hear Cas coming downstairs and he walks in carrying some clothes. He throws them at me saying, "Here." I catch them and inspect them. It was a t-shirt and a pair of my jeans I must have left over here at some point. "Go change. I'll finish here." He says smiling, and then stole my spatula.

I don't take long changing and we don't take long eating our poorly done pancakes. I guess we both can't make them. But it did provide a laugh for the both of us. Finally, when we finished, we put the dishes away and went back upstairs. "So, where are we going?" Cas asks while grabbing a bag. "It's a secret but you won't need that." I say pointing at the bag. "I'll have you back by nightfall." He nods and grabs his wallet and trenchcoat before going back downstairs. I follow and grab my leather jacket holding my cash and keys. "Ready?" I ask, opening the door for him. "Yup, but I wish I knew where we're going." Cas states. I just smirk and close the door after he walks out. We pile into the impala and I start the ignition, driving away from his home. 

I think he'll enjoy this after all of the hell he's been through. And when we get there, I'll tell him everything. Everything that I've been holding back since I met him. Hopefully, he'll still be my friend and maybe even something more. 

Don't You Worry //Destiel High School//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora