.15. Rise up

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"I'll rise up

Rise like the day

I'll rise up

In spite of the ache

I'll rise up

And I'll do it a thousands times again

For you"


//Dean POV//

It's been four days and Cas has yet to wake up. 

I walk into his hospital room, the lights were still dim and the window was still open, letting in a fall breeze. Just how I left it yesterday. Without looking at the still figure on the bed, I walked around the bed and sat in my usual chair. The room was painfully quite. No music, no laughter, no smile to brighten my day. I take a shaky breath in as a single tear escapes my eyes. I quickly wipe it away, not wanting to show weakness.

Come one Dean, you have to stay strong. For Cas. 

I slowly look up, preparing myself to see what's been seared into my nightmares. I see Cas lying in the bed, eyes closed with a tube sticking out of his mouth helping him to breath. His skin was unnaturally pale and cool to the touch. His arms were rapped tightly with bandages, stopping blood from escaping his arms again. At first glance, he seemed dead. But the constant beep of the heart monitor reminded me he wasn't. 

I wonder if he can hear me?

I thought this idea over and over again when the doctor came to me four days ago saying he was in a coma. Whatever Lisa and Crowley did to him really screwed up his body. An overdose and blood loose were the big factors the doctors talked about. They said they did everything they could do and that it's now up to Cas if he lives or dies. 

I glance at the clock. 3:00 pm. Gabriel and Charlie will be here soon from school. Like me, they've come ever since the call that Cas was in the hospital. They were so excited to see him and talk to him, but like me, stopped dead in their tracks when they saw him like this. It's hard to see someone you love like this. 

I slowly grab his hand, thinking maybe I should try talking to him before they get here. It was cold and limp against my hand. I squeezed it softly, trying to get a response. Anything from him. "Hey Cas." My voice sounded strange, like it didn't belong to me. It was cracked and lifeless. I stopped, not knowing what else to say. I shock my head. Come on, keep talking! It's Cas! 

"Hey buddy. Hopefully you can hear me so I don't look crazy. But, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You got that?" I squeeze his hand again before continuing. "You should have seen your brothers faces when they got to the hospital. They were so happy to see you, even if it's like this. We cried and cried like sissy's just for you, Cas. I hope you know how much everyone loves you and how much it hurts us to see you like this." My voice cracked at the end. I look down, watching my hand hold his when I felt something in me chest hurt. It felt like my heart was breaking just at the sight of my hand holding his lifeless one. 

"Just don't give up, okay? I know it's probably hard to stay strong but you got to keep fighting. We'll all be here when you wake up with open arms. Just remember that. So just promise me you'll wake up. Okay Cas? We need you...I need you." I glance up at his face, seeing nothing change in his facial features. My head drops to his side. Maybe talking was a bad idea, cause now I just feel worse. My eyes leak tears as I think about seeing him like this for who knows how long. I don't what to see him like this anymore, I want to see his smile. I want to hear his laughter and sarcastic jokes. I want to see his blue eyes shine up at me. My crying becomes heavier as my thoughts overcome my body. 

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