2. Hogwarts Hit List - Madness is in right now, darling.

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Madness is in right now darling

Chapter 2

It wasn't intentional.

She wasn't meaning to ignore the familiar Hufflepuff's that sat around her, unable to sit with her best friend who was over at the Ravenclaw table chatting aimlessly to some students that she was able to call her friends, she wasn't much for socialising but she was much better than Estella.

It wasn't intentional.

To ignore Dumbledore as he announced the beginning of a new year, an amused smile on his face as well as many other students in the hall as they looked at the particularly taller boy amongst the large group of students, completely un-phased, and completely out of uniform.

It wasn't intentional.

That her mind wandered, raced with thoughts of the boy she barely even knew, just a name and a face that masked the secrets she was sure he was hiding, he was so...odd, so different, merlin she sounded like a cliché girl straight out of a teen film, but she couldn't help it, she hated that someone she didn't know could have such an effect on her, that the look on his face, lacking any emotion, intrigued her to the point that she couldn't keep her eyes off of him.

Their talk on the train, in the compartment with just the two of them infuriated her, he was getting on her nerves and he knew it, and liked it, the reaction he got that she begged not to give, though after a while, the teasing stopped and the questions poured about the castle, what was it like? what was the professors like? Dumbledore, how was he? He asked her everything he could possibly think of, and behind the mask of calmness, Estella was sure he was nervous, or even terrified, though annoyingly, she couldn't be sure.

she watched his eyes as they trailed around the detail of the hall, the colours of each table, lingering on the red and gold that hung over the Gryffindor table, faintly remembering that he was set on being a Gryffindor, she wasn't sure, in all honesty, she wished to be the sorting hat, or something closer than what she was, it was an ache, eating her alive with curiosity, he was full of wonders and she was irritated at how much she wanted to figure out about him.

Her eyes almost widened when his trailed to her, his once emotionless face now home to a smirk directed at her, a wink soon followed, travelling past students all staring at him intently, wondering who this handsome stranger was and why he was winking at someone that wasn't them, a familiar jealousy pooling in their stomachs, mixed with disbelief when they watched the girl it was for quickly roll her eyes and look away.

But that only seemed to widen the boy's smirk further.

He was standing in the aisle, running a hand through his already messy hair, he didn't have a care in the world. He liked the attention received from the students, something entirely different from what he had gotten back at his old school.

He had a bit of a reputation, people did find him handsome, it was rather inevitable not to when he looked the way he did. He was very much taller than anyone, giving Remus Lupin a run for his money, he was still lanky but it was fit for him, he didn't look awkward, he was built slightly bigger which made him look annoyingly attractive in Estella's mind, and it seemed he knew this.

He radiated confidence, his smirk said it all, the smirk that struck his lips when Estella came into view for him. He would deny all accusations but the truth was that he was looking for her, taking in the grand exterior of the great hall, he thought she should at least be a part of what he had to take in.

The first person in the entire school he had met, and he couldn't get her out of his head.

The smirk stayed on his lips for the majority of Dumbledore's speech, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans, his converse scraping off the ground, he hadn't changed into his robes because he didn't want to, he thought they would kill his style, and he had yet to figure out a way to wear them without looking completely ridiculous.

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