21. Hogwarts Hit List - Suspicious Purebloods.

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Suspicious Purebloods

Chapter 21

Estella sat in the defence against the dark arts class two weeks after the incident with the young first year who she found out was called Alessia. The girl was distraught with her findings, and Estella set out to talk to her, though Theo didn't think it was a good idea, Estella felt she needed to talk to her, to see how she was doing.

Estella was the one that put her in the hospital wing with shock, and she felt so terribly guilty about it, so she set out to Hogsmeade one Saturday morning, and Theo thought it was wise if he tagged along, considering he was a muggleborn like Alessia, it would seem a lot less innocent for the two to visit her.

Estella used the money she had saved to buy the girl as many sweets as she could, and when she entered the hospital wing, she was surprised that she had barely any sweets near her bed, in fact, she didn't have a lot of anything, apparently there was a lot of people very frightened to visit her because of what she had found, Alessia told them that when they sat down to talk to her.

"I know you don't know me," Estella whispered, but Alessia shook her head.

"I do know you, actually," she mumbled quietly, "I'm sorry for your loss."

"My loss?" Estella asked.

"I know you were close with one of the people dead," the girl spoke with a pained voice, "before she turned...mean."

"Oh yes," Estella nodded, sending a sympathetic look the girls way, "I suppose that means you had a run in with her when she had turned mean then, by the look on your face?"

"It's kind of funny that her arm was the one that I tripped over, it seemed that even when she was dead, she still liked to trip me up. She used to do it with her Slytherin friends when she would shout mudblood at me down the hall." Alessia seemed bitter, and there was no deny that she didn't like Teresa in the slightest.

"Can I confess something to you two?" she asked after a few moments of silently munching on chocoballs, "I really hope you don't tell anyone this."

"You can tell us anything," Estella whispered, a soft smile on her lips whilst Alessia nodded.

"I think," she took a deep breath, "I think I'm happy about the fact that they're dead, and when I figured that out myself, I was terrified. I don't want anyone to die because that's mean and it's kind of hypocritical if you think of it, because those purebloods are dead and I'm happy because I'm a muggleborn, and the reason I'm happy is because purebloods wanted muggleborn's dead, it's like it has come full circle!"

"Oh merlin," Estella whispered after a few minutes that the three sat in silence. Estella reached for Alessia's hand, a small smile resting on her lips as she looked at the first year, "if anyone is giving you a hard time, anyone at all, then just look for one of us - or both of us, and we will deal with it. You're too young to go through this type of pain, you shouldn't be a victim in a place that you love."

"A lot of people told me that purebloods all grew up with bad parents and that's why most of them are so mean, and have these beliefs, but you don't, why are you so different?" asked Alessia, her head titled whilst Estella sighed, squeezing her hand comfortingly.

"I grew up in a muggle village, with a mother who wasn't close minded, who taught us that everyone is equal, and the people who don't believe that are below us, below the kind, good people in this world, if they want to think that muggleborn's don't belong here, then they aren't worth our time, and we will fight for what is right. I've been called a blood traitor countlessly, but I think I just have common sense if I'm being completely honest," Estella sighed, "you shouldn't have seen what you did, and as a pureblood, I'm sorry you had to see those bodies, I'm sorry you had to go through that shock and pain."

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