3. Hogwarts Hit List - Don't be an arse.

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Don't be an arse

Chapter 3

"Estella!" the girl turned at the sound of her name ringing down the hallway, a small smile guiding its way onto her face when she caught sight of the familiar Gryffindor girl rushing over to her, her books clutched in her hands as she hugged them close to her chest, her hair scraped back into a neat ponytail situated atop of her head, and her robes styled to perfection, "I haven't had the chance to talk to you, I've been looking everywhere for you."

Estella let the small comment slip her mind as she walked with Annie down the hallway, the two weren't exactly close, though slight acquaintances with each other seemed to be the right word to use, so it was rather odd that the girl was looking for Estella when the two barely spoke a few words to each other, instead an occasional greeting here and there as they passed in the hallways.

"You have?" Estella finally spoke, her eyebrows raised though she quickly furrowed them when the girl sheepishly smiled, "how come?"

"Well people talk, Stella-"

"And you want to know how I know Theo," Estella finished for her, scoffing as she done so. She really should have guessed why, seeing as Annie wasn't the first to approach her on Monday, only two classes had passed and she was sure at least ten people had asked her about the boy two years older.

More specifically, how she remotely knew him.

He had been following her about the two days before classes officially started, not exactly in a creepy way, but in a "I have no one else so you're stuck with me" way, and she wasn't really complaining, seeing as whilst he had every right to be the mysterious, yet confident, new boy, she could stare at him as much as she pleased.

She was a teenage girl with needs, and her needs was staring at his attractive face.

"I'm not friends with him, if that's what you want to know," Estella scoffed, "I'm merely an acquaintance really, someone he can follow because he has no one else."

"Well he can have me," Annie mumbled, blushing furiously when Estella turned to her with wide eyes, slapping the girl's arm softly whilst she let out a string of giggles, "I'm kidding, Estella, I'm not stealing your boyfriend."

"Oh shush, he is nothing of the sort," Stella rolled her eyes, "go right ahead if you really like him, Annie, but he's a bit of an arse."

Estella hated the fact that she had to force herself to let out the simple, casual sentence, that the very thought of Annie with Theo was spinning her head in ways she simply couldn't fathom. She had never really cared about dating before, of course had had the occasional date to Hogsmeade for valentine's day or pleaded double dates with Teresa, but nothing was ever too serious with her.

She preferred to stay more focused on her friends, and make sure Peter didn't get into a terrible amount of trouble, though it seemed that was currently out of the window. She was barely an acquaintance with Theo, he didn't mean much to her but she hated to admit that he was infuriatingly charming, though she would never admit that in the slightest.

She was having a hard time keeping up the act of eyerolling and annoyance around him when in actual fact, she was simply fascinated. She hated to admit that muggle culture was extremely interesting, but he was also from America, he was from the city, he told her things she had never experienced before and even promised that he could maybe take her at some point, though the smirk on his lips told her he could be kidding.

He really wasn't.

"Well I mean, I'm not the only one who thinks he is completely gorgeous," Annie swooned, even going as far as to lean on an irritated Estella, "I hear Coraline Barren was going to ask him to Hogsmeade this Friday."

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