17. Hogwarts Hit List - Baby it's cold outside.

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Baby it's cold outside

Chapter 17

Estella's eyes fluttered open one morning during Christmas break to the soft sound of humming not too far, a yawn escaping her lips as she watched Theo walk about the dorm room, dressed in a pair of trousers and no shirt, and his hair slightly dripping wet, the boy hadn't even realised that Estella had woken up yet, he was far too busy attempting to sing whilst Estella watched in tired amusement.

"Baby It's cold...out...side," Theo finally sang.

"Well I'd imagine so, it is winter after all," Estella giggled, seeing Theo turn to her, his cheeks heating pink when he realised he had been caught.

"How long have you been awake?" asked Theo, pushing himself over to the bed and grabbing the towel on his way. He ran the towel over his head until the water had stopped dripping, and soon lifted his head to see Estella staring at him, "what?"

"Nothing," she smiled, shaking her head. She pushed herself forward, one hand resting on his shoulder whilst she pressed kisses along his neck, brushing over his jaw whilst he hummed, laughing softly.

"May I ask what you're doing, Miss Pettigrew?" asked Theo, his eyebrow raised whilst she lifted her head to grin at him, nuzzling closer to him only a moment later.

"I believe what I'm doing is," she whispered, wrapping both of her arms around him, "appreciating what's mine."

He let out a laugh, moving the both of them so that they were both lying back down, except this time Estella's head rested on his chest, her hand trailing along his skin whilst he held her tightly, "I think we should do something today."

"Do something?" she repeated, pressing a quick kiss to his chest before turning to look at him, and soon catching the amusement on his features.

"Yeah, we've been stuck in the castle most days." He shrugged, "I think it'd be fun to get out."

She hummed, hugging him tighter than before, "back in third year when Peter was in second, mum just couldn't really afford to keep us over Christmas so we stayed here. We ended up trekking out of the castle and just beyond Hogsmeade, maybe an hour or so, there was this muggle town with a cinema and a lot of little shops and cafés, it was incredible. We had barely any money between us, but we figured because it was Christmas, we would spend what we had, it was the first time Peter had ever seen a movie, and the first time we both tried muggle sweets, it was the best day of my life.

Mum felt terribly guilty because of the fact that she couldn't afford to see us, and well, she didn't have enough money for presents, but it was my favourite Christmas, well apart from the one that I got a TV but I felt so guilty that I begged my mum to take it back...she didn't though, she said I deserved it," Estella chuckled softly, watching her fingers intently as they traced small patterns over his bare stomach, "the little town isn't even big, it's just a small town but it's nice, y'know, to get out of Hogwarts. It was nice to see a town like the one I grew up in."

"We should go," Theo whispered, running his fingers through her hair and watching with his heart swelling as she turned to him excitedly.


"Yes!" he laughed, she was practically on top of him as she nodded, a grin wide on her lips and soon did she have his face in her hands, kissing every inch of his face that she could possibly reach whilst his laughter continued beneath her, "Miss Pettigrew will you do me the honour and be my absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, stunning date today?"

"Oh, so this is a date?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows, "I'm not sure about that, Mr Dawson...you see, I have a boyfriend."

"You do?" he gasped dramatically, tightening his grip on her, "I can't say I'm not incredibly jealous...but I do have a girlfriend."

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