Seven Deadly Kings

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Bluer than
the damn Danube
Deeper than
the dastardly sea

Older than
the London Tube
This unrepentant

A wretched lot
filled with fancies
and sins alike

Rarely are they
brave at all
to tell their owners
to take a hike

For greed and avarice,
lust and pride
Envy, sloth
and wrath abide

to make us slaves
one and all
who bow the knee
to our master's call

Dare we breathe
a better air?
They will come
to choke us quick

If one moment
of peace we share
They beat us with
our own sticks

Led by the nose
we obey
the seven deadly kings
we serve

Here divided
and forced to stay
prisoners on
this planet earth

(July 20th, 2017)

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