A Better Song

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As I watched
for your eyes
on that long
and winter night

a song of the heavens
far and true
drifted down
and deep into

my dreaming mind
and restless soul
until at once
I did behold

the fairest form
of spirit there
drifting on
the water's shore

She spoke in riddles
She wrote in runes
She gave me a pipe
to smoke the moon

I drew in deep
I breathed in long
and then I wrote
a better song

Whisper children
on the eve
as fairies touch
your nightgown sleeves

and I will tell
of a forgotten love
born in oceans
and owned by doves

The piper plays
a mournful tone
as we wander
far from home

For on a night
cold and clear
I lost my love
and gained my fear

the ghost I knew
I cannot flee
for her eyes
are still on me

The whole world seems
to rest at ease
but until she comes
I cannot sleep

Lady of
the winter lake
please come soon
for my sake

wash me clean
and be my bride
take my bones
to your side

I shall stand here
at this shore
and watch the sunrise
never more

Into your cold
and ethereal arms
I place the rest
of my lonely heart

(September 18th, 2017)

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