The Void

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If ever I dreamed
in starlight thunder
If eyes ever held
so much wonder
as the night I found
my heart upon
when the world was old
but we were young

The shoreline met
the open sea
as it raged there
deep in me
But every breath
and every pang
left me the moment
when you sang

Dear somber siren
Why do you weep?
What is the secret
your story keeps?
Why do you cry
all night long
what is this dark beauty
in your song?

All the wide world
lying now in repose
restless they turn
for in truth they know
You are the dewdrops
lying on each blade
and in this heat you are
my every shade

Come to the land
where I stand not free
Reach your hand
and call me to your sea
I will ever leave this place
and drown my thoughts in you
They will not remember my face
nor know the void I drift into

(August 8th, 2017)

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