Broken Tide

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Back... and back again
I stepped into the night
and the universe
so I could see you

see your wounds
and your beauty
and all the life
teeming within you

I watched you
drifting in the void
not knowing just where
to go next

And I wondered why
you didn't just
choose to take
a different path

Perhaps you might
and then maybe
everyone will realize

They could have
done more
Could have reached out
to you sooner

But I saw you
I watched you
reaching that point
of no return

Come back planet
Come back gentle world
Before it's too late
Before nobody cares

Why do we fight you?
Why do we hate?
Why are we insistent
on turning you away?

I wait on the edge
of a broken tide
and call to those
who will hear your cry

(August 17th, 2017)

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