3: It's for the Money

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We had been filming for a week. Throughout that week, I had not had any contact with Parker that was not absolutely necessary. When the filming day was finished, I did my thing and he did his. The past five nights he's went out. Not that I had actually noticed. I just stayed in my room, running over my lines and talking to my best friend from back home, Lizzie.

"So how's it going up there, Hollywood?" Lizzie asked.

I chuckled as I held my phone up to my ear, sitting on the bed surrounded by papers. "This is so not Hollywood."

"Well, still. How's it going? Is it cold?" Lizzie asked.

"Yes." I said quickly. "I think it's barely over freezing right now. If it even is over freezing."

"Well, what do you expect? December in Alaska." Lizzie replied. "At least you got your 'boyfriend' there to keep you warm."

I scoffed, laughing. "That's what they want you to think. They want to make out like we have this perfect relationship. He stays to himself and I stay to myself."

"What's it like kissing a guy you just met?" Lizzie asked.

"It actually felt really-natural the first time." I said apprehensively. "It's natural."

"So you're saying it feels right? Like good?"

"Well..." I sighed apprehensively. "We're acting. It's not like it's real."

"Answer the dang question!" Lizzie ordered.

"No, I don't like it." I said. "And I actually don't like Parker."

"That stunt he pulled the second day though." Lizzie reminded me.

"I know, that was totally uncalled for and totally unprofessional. It's like he was trying to see how far he could go." I ranted. "Like, you just don't do things like that."

"He's not an actor. He's a gold miner trying to act for some unknown reason." I said.

"Why don't you ask him?" Lizzie suggested.

"I don't talk to him except on camera." I said. "We want nothing to do with each other."

"You'll have to live together for four months at least. You might as well try to be friends with the ugly thing." Lizzie said.

I was chuckling when a knock came at my bedroom door. The film crew and Paul had already left an hour ago, so I knew it wasn't them.

"Hold on, Lizzie. Be quiet a minute." I said as I set the phone down on the bed. "Come in!"

The door opened, and Parker came in wearing a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. His hair was messy, and he had a beer can in his hand.

"Hey, you wanna come run over some lines with me? I got pizza and beer." Parker said as he pointed his thumb behind him towards the open door.

"Um, yeah." I nodded. "I'll get my stuff and meet you downstairs."

Parker nodded before turning around and walking back out the door.

"Layla." Lizzie said from my phone. "Was that Parker?"

"Yes." I sighed as I picked the phone back up, gathering my papers.

"What do you think he's thinking?" Lizzie asked.

"I don't know. Maybe he wants to be friends like you said." I said. "I'll call you later."

"Don't do anything you'll regret." Lizzie said.

"I won't. Bye."

"Bye." Lizzie said before hanging up.

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