31: Haines Girl in California

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The end... Just kidding! I couldn't leave it like that.


It had been a month. A month full of learning lines, filming, hanging out with Lizzie, and lounging around the house. I didn't go to any parties or bars no matter how much Lizzie wanted me to. That just wasn't who I was anymore. I didn't feel like it.

As for Parker, I really haven't had any contact with him. He works all day, and he's tired when he gets off. We've talked maybe twice in the past month. Our schedules just don't jive with each other. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him, and he said that he misses me too. I still get the feeling of want for him whenever I hear his voice that's usually sleepy because he calls me right before he falls asleep. But like I said, it was only twice in a month.


"Okay, that's a wrap, everybody!" The director announced.

I sighed as I walked off the set, grabbing my water bottle and purse. I was taking a swig of my water when one of the actors on the show named Ken came up behind me, startling me. I jumped slightly and took the water bottle out of my mouth.

"Sorry, Layla." He said worriedly.

"Oh, it's fine, Ken." I chuckled as I wiped my mouth off. "I'm not used to people walking up behind me."

Ken smiled. "I guess I should've done it sooner then."

"What do you mean?" I said as I was getting my keys out of my purse.

"Layla, do you want to have dinner with me tonight?" Ken asked.

Now, Ken is like most of the men in California. He had been out with a lot of girls, and a lot of one night stands. And I wasn't into that. But he was attractive, tall, tan, blonde hair and blue eyes. He wasn't my type.

"Um, I'm actually busy tonight." I lied.

"Well, tomorrow night then." Ken smiled.

"Ken, I really don't have time." I said as I went to walk away.

"Well, we can skip dinner and just go to my place and have a drink." Ken grabbed my arm and smiled, showing his perfectly white teeth.

"I don't think so." I chuckled slightly as I pulled my arm away from him. "It was nice of you to ask, Ken. But I really have to get home."

I didn't listen to anything else he was saying as I walked out of the building. As if I'd ever go out with him.


"Layla! He's the handsomest man in town! And you turned him down?!" Blonde haired Lizzie scolded as she sat on the end of the couch across from me.

"He's also the player of town." I said, uninterested as I was watching a movie.

"So?" Lizzie said. "You could've had a whole bunch of fun with him! I hear he's really good."

I scoffed. "Yeah, I wouldn't have sex with him for anything in the world."

"Ugh, you're so difficult, Layla." Lizzie said.

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