17: Just a Thing

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"Yeah, um, so I have a problem." I said.

"What is it?" Lizzie asked me while we were on FaceTime.

"Um, something happened. Actually," I chuckled slightly. "A lot of things have happened."

"Like what?" Lizzie asked. "Spill it."

"Well, first of all, Paul was fired." I began.

"Thank God. I know you hated that guy." Lizzie smirked.

"Yeah." I chuckled slightly. "You're about to find out just how much we hate him."

"What happened?"

"Um..." I looked down at my fingers and debated whether to actually tell her what happened. "Um, he kinda almost raped me."

"What?!" Lizzie exclaimed as she dropped the chip she was about to put in her mouth. "What?! Layla! When the hell did this happen?!"

"Two weeks ago." I mumbled as I was still looking at my fingers in my lap.

"Layla! What happened?!" Lizzie demanded to know.

After I explained the whole thing to her, she was pretty much speechless.

"But then Parker busted in the door and saved me." I smirked. "He saved me."

"Well, thank God for Parker. Oh my god, Layla. I'm so sorry that happened. It sounded horrible." Lizzie said.

"It was." I nodded. "I got bruises, and Parker got a few cuts and a broken jaw out of it. He beat Paul unconscious."

"Go Parker." Lizzie smirked. "Are you all right? Was it traumatic? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Do your parents know?"

"I'm fine now. It was kinda traumatic. I was kinda ashamed of it and I didn't want you to freak like you did while I was telling you. And no they don't, and you better keep your mouth shut." I said.

"Did they at least put the douchebag in jail?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "They said he'd probably be in there for a long time."

"Good." Lizzie said. "And I won't tell anyone, don't worry. I know how weird it must feel."

"Yeah." I said.

"So what happened between you and Parker? Because you were mad at each other and now you're posting pictures of you and him on Snapchat." Lizzie said.

"That night, we kinda kissed." I admitted.

"How do you kinda kiss someone?" Lizzie smirked. "Was it an accident? Do you regret it? Does he regret it? Have you talked about it? Did you feel anything?"

"It was on purpose." I sighed. "I wanted him to kiss me."

"Ah!" Lizzie squealed. "Payla is a go! I repeat, Payla is a go!"

"What the fuck is a Payla?" I laughed.

"That's yours and Parker's ship name." Lizzie smiled. "It's your names put together."

I chuckled. "Weirdo. But okay."

"So have you kissed since then?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah." I smirked. "We kissed a week after it happened, and then two nights after that, and then we've kissed for the past several nights."

"Damn Layla. Get it." Lizzie chuckled. "How far has it gone?"

"Um..." I giggled.

"Come on." Lizzie said.

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