5: Breaking Rules

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"Well, well, what do we have here?" Paul smirked as he stood in the bedroom doorway.

I still had my eyes closed, but I heard everything that was going on.

"Get up!" Paul said loudly as he turned on the lamp on the bedside table. "Both of you!"

"Go screw off, Paul." Parker said groggily as I felt him pull me closer to him.

"It ain't my fault you two apparently stayed up all night doing God knows what." Paul said seriously. "Now get your asses out of bed."

"Fuck off, Paul." I said.

Parker chuckled softly, and I smiled.

"You two apparently already did." Paul said. "This is not acceptable. Layla, this is not professional. You know this. You both know that you can't do this."

"We didn't do anything, stupid." Parker said. "She was scared so she slept with me. Leave it alone."

"Yeah, as if I believe that. You two have been getting along too good. You're obviously fucking each other." Paul said.

That set Parker off. He let go of me and got off the bed, standing in front of Paul. I rolled on my back and opened my eyes to watch them.

"Listen here, you fucker," Parker said angrily. "I'll do whatever the hell I get ready to do. I'll sleep with her if I want to, it's not up to you. It's up to me and her. What we do off camera is not your business. But we didn't have sex. We've never had sex, you retard. Just leave us the fuck alone."

"It is my business what you two do off camera. You cannot have a relationship with each other or anyone else in the production crew. It's all in the contracts." Paul said.

"We don't have a fuckin relationship, you stupid asshole!" Parker objected. "I don't give a fuck what the contracts say! I can stop this shit whenever I want to!"

"But you won't, will you, Parker?" Paul smirked. "You need the money."

"Get the fuck out of my house, you motherfucker." Parker said calmly. "Get out! All of you!"

"Remember, I bought this house." Paul said. "You can't kick me out."

"You didn't buy it, Discovery did. And I happen to know the head of the whole company. So get the fuck out!" Parker pushed Paul.

"Fine, we'll give you some time to cool down." Paul held his hands up. "But remember who runs this little show."

"Get the fuck out." Parker said as he followed the men to the door. "Go on, all of you. I'm not doing this shit today."

I got off the bed and was walking towards the door, but once all the men were out, he shut the door and locked it.

"Not you, Layla." He said. "Get back in the bed. Don't you wanna sleep a little more?"

"Kinda." I chuckled slightly.

"Then come on." Parker yawned as he walked towards the bed, me following him. "Asshole wake us up before daybreak and start accusing us of shit."

"I know, he's such a asshole." I said as we both crawled in the bed.

"If I could get a new producer I would." Parker said as we laid down, facing each other.

"I wish we could too." I smirked. "Anybody's better than him."

"Got that right." Parker said as he reached behind him and turned off the lamp.

Parker put an arm around me and closed his eyes.

I put one arm under my pillow, and I apprehensively put my other arm around Parker.

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