7: Shenanigans

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"You owe me $37, Lays." Parker smirked as I landed on a square that he owned.

Lays is apparently his nickname for me now.

"Parker, you're killing me here." I chuckled as I handed him Monopoly money.

"You need to step up your game." He chuckled.

"No, you need to start landing on my squares." I smiled. "I think you're cheating."

"Whatever." Parker smirked as he threw the dice on the board. "Four. Damn."

I laughed. "You go to jail."

"Shut up." Parker smirked as he put his money bag on the jail space. He then stood up.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I picked up the dice.

"Turning on some music." Parker said as he turned on the television.

"Oh." I smiled as I threw the dice on the board. "I'm buying that space." I said as I moved my dog on the board.

Parker looked over at the board on the floor as he turned the television. "Hey! That's the space I need! I already have the boardwalk!"

"And that's exactly why I'm buying it." I chuckled.

"You're mean." Parker smirked.

"Hey, maybe you can buy it from me." I smiled.

"I can only imagine what you'd charge." Parker chuckled before taking a swig of his beer.

"Come on, it's your roll." I said.

"Oh, yeah." Parker said as he turned up the music on the television and came to sit across from me on the floor.

"You know what's weird?" I cocked my head to the side as I watched him throw the dice on the board.

"Damn." He said when he didn't roll doubles.

I chuckled.

"What's weird?" He asked me as I picked up the dice.

"That all the little kids in the world are asleep, hoping that Santa comes. And then there's parents that are staying up late to wrap gifts. And then there's people that don't even know where their next meal is going to come from." I smirked as I threw the dice on the board. "And then there's people like us."

"People that are drinking and playing games." Parker smirked.

"Yeah." I chuckled as I moved my dog. "It's weird, huh? That so many different things can be happening at the same time."

"Drunk Layla is very insightful, isn't she?" Parker chuckled.

I laughed. "Hey, I'm smart sometimes."

Parker laughed. "You are smart. Now give me those dice." Parker picked up the dice. "I feel lucky this time."

I chuckled. "How lucky?"

Parker threw the dice on the board. No doubles. "Apparently not lucky enough." He smirked.

I chuckled as I stood up. "I'm going to make popcorn."

"You're going to leave me in jail?" Parker called as I walked in the kitchen.

"Yup!" I called back.

When I came back in the living room with the popcorn in a big bowl, Parker was singing along to the Johny Cash song playing on the television. I chuckled as I sat down and he stopped singing.

"Don't stop." I smiled. "Come on, I'll sing with you."

Parker smirked as he started back singing along. "I fell into a burning ring of fire."

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