4: Sleeping in his Bed

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I had determined that it was the beer that night I felt different when Parker was about to kiss me. Because I haven't felt anything since then all the times we've kissed on camera. It's just natural.

Since then, Parker and I have really been getting along good. After we got over the initial awkwardness that morning, you would've actually thought we were a couple off camera. You know, minus the whole kissing and touching.

Parker and I had been talking every night before bed, eating dinner and drinking beer. But we stayed our distance from one another and didn't try to practice the kisses again. I actually felt like we were becoming good friends. I went to his parents' with him one night and ate dinner, and I had a good time. And that night, his black lab Dozer came back home with us.

Wait. Is this home? No, no. It's just a temporary living condition.

It's now been two weeks since we started filming, and today is the day that Parker and I stage our first argument. I've never been an angry person, so I'm praying that we can both make this believable.

Parker and Layla get into an argument. Parker has been staying out too late at night, and Layla has no idea where he's at until he comes in at three in the morning.

That was what I read on the script. Apparently we were supposed to improv it. The first few lines were gave, but then we had to say what we thought. Parker and I had been practicing this for three nights, but we always ended up laughing at each other.

So when the time for the argument came, we were both uneasy about it.

"Okay, Parker, you go sit on the couch with the television on, and Layla, you walk in and confront him about staying out too late." Paul instructed.

"Paul, this is so fuckin unbelievable. Why would I stay out all night when I got a girlfriend at home? And why wouldn't I tell her if I was going somewhere? I mean damn, I'm not that sorry." Parker ranted as he walked over to the couch. "All you're doing here is making me look like a sorry man."

"He's kinda right." I agreed.

"Well, look, you two are going to act what's on the papers. I don't care how stupid you think it is." Paul said. "Now roll!"

I sighed as I walked into the living room from where I had been standing in the walkway. I set my glass down on a coaster before sitting beside Parker on the couch.

"What's up, baby?" Parker smiled over at me. "Wanna watch the movie with me?"

"Um, Parker." I twiddled my fingers in my lap as I sit criss cross on the couch facing him. "Where were you last night?"

"Out." Parker said as he turned his attention back to the television.

"And where were you the night before that?" I looked at him seriously.

"Out." Parker said bluntly. "It doesn't matter where I was at."

"Yes, it does, Parker!" I said seriously. "Now quit watching the TV and tell me where you've been going for the past three nights!"

"Just shut up, Layla!" Parker raised his eyebrows and looked at me seriously.

That was usually the part where we busted out laughing.

I put my hand over my mouth to hide a smirk, and I saw Parker almost laugh before he looked back at the television.

"Don't you talk to me that way, Parker Schnabel!" I tried to say seriously, but I ended up chuckling a little.

"What are you going to do about it?" He tried to look at me without smirking, but he failed.

"I'll tell you what, I'm going to-" I finally just gave in and laughed.

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