Lawnmower Dog Part 3

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             We continue to run until we finally find an exit to the outside, running towards a near by broken down car. Rick slides over to the driver's side while Morty takes a seat in the back and I sit in the passenger's seat.

"What are we here for again?" Rick asks while fiddling around with the car to get it to start.

We all answer the question while talking over each other.

"Incepting? We're trying to incept-?"

"We're trying to incept.... me to get an 'A' in math?"

"Try-trying to give Morty an 'A'?"

"Oh, yeah." Rick states, as he starts the car. He sends a smile and a thumbs up our way, we smile back in response. Our grins drop however when we hear the sound of another voice beside Morty in the back .

"Buckle up, bitch!" Terry states. We quickly get out of the car and start running again. "Ooooooaaahhh!" Morty exclaims.

"Man this guy just doesn't know when to quit." I say while slightly looking behind me.

"And he sure says 'bitch' a lot!" Morty adds.

"You can run, but you can't hide, bitch!" Scary Terry yells towards us.

"Hold on, guys. Y-you know what? He keeps saying we can run but we can't hide. I say we try hiding." Rick says, stopping behind an abandoned home. Morty and I stop along with him, looking at him in confusion.

"But that's the opposite of what-" Morty starts.

"Yeah, well, since when are we taking this guy's advice on anything?" Rick interrupts, gesturing behind us.

"Hey, you know what? You got a really good point there, Rick. Like, if the truth was that we could hide, it's not like he'd be sharing that information with us, you know? I-I-I think it's a good idea, Rick." Morty replies. They both look over at me, waiting for my opinion on the plan.

"Well I don't see the point of not trying. I mean, worst-case scenario we're back to running." I say. They nod at my response and we quickly make our way into the abandoned house. We hide inside the home for what felt like hours. The three of us peak through the boarded up window, to see Terry walk past us and continue to look around in confusion.

"Wow, you know what? I mean, it looks like we could have just hid this whole time. Boy, Rick, that was some good thinking." Morty whispers past me towards Rick. I nod in agreement and look to my left at Rick.

"Yeah. I mean I had my doubts but you pulled through as always, Rick." I tell him, giving him a small smile.

"Thanks, you two. Yeah, it's nice to be on the same page every once in a while." Rick replies, placing a hand on my shoulder and smiling back at us. We look outside again to see Terry continue to look for us in disappointment. He soon lets out a yawn and slouches a bit in exhaustion.

"Oh, this is perfect. Look at that. He's getting sleepy. Just a little bit longer before he calls it a day. That's when we make our move." Rick states while getting up from his crouching position. Morty and I do the same, following Rick outside. The three of us carefully follow Terry back to his home.

We peak through the window of his house to see him have a small fight with his wife. Soon after they make up and begin to kiss.

"This is perfect. After a little scary coitus, they should be fast asleep and then we'll incept him." Rick comments, looking over at Morty and I. We nod in understanding and hide behind the home, waiting patiently for Terry to fall asleep. After a while of waiting we make our way inside his room to see him stir in his sleep.

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