chapter 29: First day of the grand magic games

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Kuro's Pov
I stood in the Fairytail stands with the rest of the guild I was next to master who was sitting on the railing as I looked around I saw almost everyone from the city in the stadium and I was holding Alexa who was cheering "Go go go!" she cheered and I smiled at her behavior "Ladies and gentlemen my name is Chapati Lola and welcome to the grand magic games!, today with me are former magic council member Mr.Yajima and with us the beautiful miss Jenny Rearlight" Chapati Lola began as the stadium cheered "let's meet the teams in 8th place the guild who vanished seven years ago trying to reclaim there spot at the top,it's Fairytail" he shouted as team A walked in the crowd started booing pissing Natsu off "Go auntie Lucy!!" Alexa yelled as she cupped her hands Lucy turned to her and smiled as she waved at Alexa but I frowned and leaned to master "Master where is Wendy?" i asked him and he turned grim "she was attacked before the games we found her unconscious in the gardens" he said making me clench my teeth "tsk" i turned my attention back to the field "and in seventh place we have the hounds from hell the wildest of them all,Quatro Cerebrus!" Chapati announced as Quatro Cerebrus entered the field a few people cheered it was at least more then they did for us "and in sixth place we have the handsome Blue Pegasus" Chapati called as almost all females in the audience started fangirling I looked at the team of Blue Pegasus I recognized almost all of them as only the blue bunny was a bit off "and next up we have the all female guild the beautiful women of Mermaid Heel" Chapati called as a group of women entered the arena my attention was drawn to the girl in the front who emited a powerful magic energy "in fourth place we have the goddess of love and strife,it's Lamia Scale" Chapati announced and I smirked as I saw Jura was leading their team "I'm a bit disappointed I didn't sign up now I know Jura is participating" i sighed as everyone around me deadpanned as they looked at me like I was crazy master chuckled besides me "I'm sure you are" he let out a bark like laugh I shook my head and focused on the arena again "and in third place the midnight force it's Raventail,Raventail who is deemed as a legitimate guild by the Magic council they are allowed to participate" Chapati called and I frowned "Master what is Ivan doing here?" i asked as I wondered why master's son would be here "i have no idea but I don't like it" he told me and I nodded "and our second place,o isn't this a suprise can they be the key with tattered wings, it's Fairytail team B" Chapati announced as you heard suprise clearly in his voice as our B team entered the pitch master was laughing like a madman I stood next to him with amused look shaking my head next to him,he was enjoying this way too much apparently team A and the entire stadium was in shock at this revelation "Go mama!" Alexa cheered as she saw her mother I whispered in her ear "do you want to go down?" i asked and she looked at me and nodded energetically so I summoned some water underneath her that flowed all the way to Mira as it carried her Mira grabbed her off the water and took Alexa in her arms as she smiled at me I just smiled back and looked at Mira who was now cuddling Alexa "alright now that that's over the final team you know them you love them it's Sabertooth!" he called as the entire stadium went crazy with cheering I looked at the team and saw the two boys from yesterday they had this really cocky attitude around them but that didn't matter as they would be losing this soon enough "now that we have all our teams let's start with the first event called 'hidden', contenders please stop forward" Chapati called trough the microphone I looked as Mato ran into the Arena as the contesters from all guilds walked in i only knew a few; Eve from blue Pegasus, Lyon from Lamia Scale and our own teams as Gray and Juvia were participating Alexa who know was in the B-Team box was on the railing as Mira stood behind her her arms around Alexa's waist and her head on her shoulder as they stood watching

Let's say we were suprised by the appearance of our first master in the beginning who came all the way to Crocus to cheer us on but I must say hidden didn't end to well for our guild as Gray came in dead last after Nullpudding of Raventail kept targeting him and Juvia was just..being Juvia by hugging a copy of Gray after that it was time for the battles for that day and the first one of our team was Lucy against a Raventail member named Flare Lucy was winning in the beginning until something happened suddenly Lucy stopped resisting Flare wich didn't seem right but she yelled something as I saw Laxus and Natsu come into action as I saw Natsu burn off a piece of Flare's hair that got behind Asuka one of Alexa's best friend and daughter of Alzack and Bisca but the thing that pissed me off most was that Laxus had fried a piece of hair that was behind my daughter as in the stadium everyone got quiet as you could feel one demonic energy and one powerful energy in the air wich were shaking with rage "Beat her up Lucy! No one threatens our family and gets away with it!" i yelled as Lucy escaped Flare's grasp and summoned Gemini as they changed into her I facepalmed as they had changed into Lucy with only a towel on "those two love to embaress Lucy" i muttered to myself I saw Lucy chanting a spell as planets started forming around flare I felt the power coming off of her and knew this was the final blow when suddenly it just vanished my eyes widened as Lucy fell to the ground Chapati announced Flare as the winner I was clench clenching my fists "Master someone intervened" i mumbled and he nodded "i noticed but I'm afraid we can't do anything" he said and by his tone and how he looked I knew master was pissed off as well.

After Natsu had brought Lucy to the infirmary I decided to visit her since I knew Jellal was against Jura I knew I could still catch the last minutes of the match so I knocked the door before opening it holding Alexa's hand "Hey Lucy" i said smiling a bit she smiled back "Hey Kuro" she greeted and Alexa ran up to Lucy and climbed on the bed hugging Lucy who hugged her back "are you okay auntie Lucy?" she asked Lucy who smiled at my daughter removing a hair from her face "I'm fine sweetie don't worry" she told her "Alexa why don't you keep aunt Lucy company for the time while I go check upstairs?" i asked and she nodded "you don't mind do you?" i asked Lucy who shook her head "No I would love to spend some time with her" she told me so I left the two of them on their own well of course with our nurse Porlyusica.

When I came back I saw Jellal who was dressed as Mystogan dodge earth pillars from Jura "how much have i missed?" i asked Levy who stood next to me "not much they only just began" she told me I nodded "oh and don't worry Lucy is fine besides I left Alexa with them" i told her as Levy smiled a bit she nodded I looked back at the field as the sky had turned purple with Jellal preparing a big spell and I could feel even Jura wouldn't be able to sustain this but...suddenly he began laughing and rolling on the floor holding his sides like being tickled I sighed I knew Meredy had senselink magic so I suspected Ultear was tormenting Meredy who had linked with Jellal on her orders...poor girl in the end Jellal just fell over unconscious wich left Jura dumbstruck as well as the entire arena "Master" i grumbled from next to him he opened his eye and looked at me "i know Cana is the reserve normally but let me take Jellal's place I have some business with those Raventail bastards" i told him and he closed his eye again probably thinking "Very well you're allowed to take his place now scram and join them" he told me I thanked him and made my way towards the B team to tell them the news. This was going to be most interesting

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