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Kyoya's p.o.v.

I had just gotten out of the shower when my phone began to ring. Seeing that it was Tamaki, I answered it and put it on speaker while I got dressed. I figured he needed to rant about something, even if it was 10pm, but all I heard was crying in the other end.

"Tamaki?" I said into the phone and the call ended.

I tried to call him back but he didn't answer. Tamaki never really cries, no with real emotion anyway. I think I'll go check on him.

I got dressed and drove to Tamaki's house. The maid lead me to his room and left. Even standing on the other side of the door I could hear him crying, even if it was a soft noise.

I crack the door open slightly and see Tamaki laying in his bed, puffy red eyes closed while clinging to his teddy bear for dear life.

"Tamaki?" I call.

He sniffs a few times and sits up. "Hello Kyoya. To what do I hold the pleasure?"

"Cut the crap. I know you were crying." I said as I walked over to his bed. "Now I want to know why." I sit at the end of his bed and look at him.

"It's nothing."

"Not of you're crying."

"Leave it alone."

"Not until you tell me why."

"I cry like this every night, I'll be fine once I fall asleep." My heart sinks at his words.

"You cry yourself to sleep?" He slowly nods, holding back tears.

"My life is pretty messed up right?" He says as tears start to fall down his face and I wipe them away. "My gave me up," He gives in as tears start to stream down his face. "My father ignores me," I pull him to me in a hug. "My grandmother hates me," He make he let go and moves so him head is in my lap. He's always so childish, but this time his fears seem understandable. "The host club thinks I'm arrogant," There's the Tamaki I know. I start to play with his hair because I know it calms him and I actually kind of enjoy it. "And just to top it all off I can't even tell the person I love how I feel!"

My heart sinks a bit and I stop playing with his hair. "Haruhi?"

"No, someone more beautiful and strong minded."

"Then who? I'm sure I could help."

"Please don't leave." Tamaki says after turning to look at me.

"What? Why would I?"

"Will you... will you just lay here with me? I helps to have someone here." I nod and he scoots vet on the bed so I can lay down.

After a few minutes I close my eyes and try to sleep. I guess Tamaki thought I was asleep because he started to talk me.

"Do I told you that I love someone and I really hope you are actually asleep because this will be embarrassing otherwise. It's actually a guy. He has dark hair and glasses that only enhance his big, beautiful brown eyes. He always acts a bit cold to everyone, but I know he cares greatly about his friends. He's always on his computer or writing in his notebook though. I wish I knew what you though of me, maybe then I could tell you while you're awake. Kyoya, I love you."

I pull his body to mine and he looks extremely surprised. "I love you too, now go to sleep so I can too." I tell him and start to rub his head again. Soon he's fast asleep.

My Ouran High School Lover (Tamaki x Kyoya one shots)Where stories live. Discover now