Guardian Angel Corruption prt.2

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Nobody asked but I'm writing it anyway because it's cute.
•mentions of death
•mention of suicide
•slight alcoholism
second hand embarrassments

"Right... Well you're welcome to stay anyway."

Kyoya nodded and Tamaki turned to walk to his door, Kyoya following suit. He followed at a distance, that was one thing Tamaki definitely noticed. All through their walk Kyoya kept his distance, be it walking ahead of him or practically walking on the edge of the pavement. It perplexed him as to why he did such, he just hiked it up to not being use to being around humans.

Of course to Kyoya, it was reasonable. Angels weren't supposed to have emotional connections with humans, it wasn't a rule but most his siblings frowned upon it, and if he was going to be on Earth a while, he would need to uphold such. For such reasons, he decided to keep his distance from the humans, specifically this one. This was different than others, this one made him feel... strange.

When they had gotten to Tamaki's livingroom, they stopped.

"So, uh, there are blankets under the coffee table and there are throw pillows on couch. I can get you more if you need them."

"I don't sleep."

"Oh... well I'm going upstairs to shower."

Tamaki turned on his heel and went upstairs and to his room. He grabbed his change of clothes for after his shower and walked down the hallway. As he passed the stairs, he tried to catch a glance at Kyoya before heading the rest of the way to the only full bath in the house. Once he was in the shower washing his hair, he let his mind drift. He always thought clearly in the shower, even if his thoughts were jumbled.

As he bathed his mind roamed from his previous hookups, to parties, to the lack of alcohol in his house, to the shopping, to the main street bar, to the angel in his living room, but this time his parents never crossed his mind.

The one thing that held him in sorrow, or so he felt, was forgotten in that moment. Only this was different because, unlike the other times he had forgotten, he was sober, nor was he stoned. Even if getting stoned was a thing of high school days past and maybe a few parties, he was practically sober. It seemed that Kyoya had that effect on people as even though Tamaki was shitfaced when the angel found him, he started sobering up immediately after he got close.

Tamaki groaned at the thought and all the confusion surrounding Kyoya as he had more than just a sobering affect on Tamaki. He quickly got out of the shower and dried off before getting dressed. When he opened the door his fight or flight instinct kicked in, in the this case fight, and punched the person who startled him square in the face. When he realized that he had just hit Kyoya in the face, he reacted as he never would have normally.

Instead of yelled at the Kyoya, Tamaki rushed to him, checking for injuries as he apologised profusely. Of course all Kyoya had done in reaction was touch where he was hit to feel for blood. Tamaki was sputtering to apologize and had wrapped his arm around Kyoya to escort him to the kitchen, having him sit on the counter.

"Are you sure you're ok? Do you need ice? Oh God, I'm so sorry!"

"I'm fine. I simply don't understand why you're apologizing to my father."

Tamaki looked at Kyoya's serious look flabbergasted before breaking down into laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"You really aren't from this world. That's the only way to explain it." Tamaki's laughter filled the room as Kyoyaonly grew more confused. "Saying 'Oh god' is an expression, it shows how much you mean something." Tamaki managed to get out as his fit of laughter ended, though he was still stifling a few giggles.

Tamaki whirled around and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. He squeezed it a bit to make sure it wasn't frozen solid and held it to Kyoya's now swollen cheek. Tamaki smiled as he hadn't gotten to doctor someone's injuries like this since his best friend in elementary school had fallen while having a sleepover.

Tamaki had lost his train of thought and simply focused on trying to get Kyoya's swelling to go down. He never stopped to recognize that he was standing in between Kyoya's legs and that there was only inches between their faces. He had one hand resting on Kyoya's left cheek; his other hand held the ice pack to the right. Tamaki began to absent mindedly  run his thumb across Kyoya's cheek as he held his face still.

Though Kyoya didn't understand Tamaki's actions, they still placed him at ease. There was a kind and caring look in Tamaki's eyes that showed what Kyoya wanted and yet feared the most, love. Even if Tamaki himself didn't know it yet, that look was all the angel needed to know.

He had seen that look in the eyes of many, even Adam and Eve. That look never changed to an angel, no matter how differently humans saw it. That was something their father had spent the most time perfecting. Love was his favorite human characteristic that he even cursed his angels with love. Angels had loves, that wasn't bad. The bad part came if their lover was a human; a human that would die some day and possibly be lost to the angel forever. No, love was an angel's curse to bare while humanity reveled in it. Tamaki loved Kyoya and Kyoya fought for the same not to be true of him, it would hurt too much knowing this boy's destiny.

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