Chapter 4

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Back at the table...

Melanie* well damn when is the baby shower because as much as he was doing up there I know he had to leave something behind..

everyone starts to laugh..

Mahi'ya* clean up on aisle two... cause I know there has to be a puddle left where I was sitting... Damn that man..

Jasmiryn* (thinking..) look at them all on this bitch dick I don't like this uppity B****

Naliegh* So what's next ladies... You girls up for hitting LAX I know we bound to mix in with a couple of stars there..

Jasmiryn* Yeah you know Christina Aguilera is part owner of the club...

Karma* Well what do you think Cakes ready to go shake it up at LAX...

Just then John walks up with a note.

John* Excuse me Ms . Kingsley I was asked to bring this to you.

Mahi'ya* thank you John...


I would love it if you and your friends to join me at my after party... Hope ill see you there. Suite 4118


Mahi'ya* Well that could be great or we can head to my friends private party here at the lofts.... ( Smiles really Big)

Jasmiryn* Well I don't know about yall but im not trying to spend my night cooped up in some hotel.. I mean don't take me wrong its nice and all but im trying to have fun and not with no boring business party..

Karma* ( With a look of disbelief) Jas...

Mahi'ya* No karma she's right but I hope you know those celebrities that you are trying to mix with are business people... and so am I. Im not boring at all

Jasmiryn* Well all Im saying is why does everything and every plan have to go through you

Mahi'ya* look lil mama I don't know what has lit your fire.. but no one said everything has to go through me everyone here is grown so by all means necessary do whatever it is that pleasure you hun.. Its My bday and Im taking my ass up to my boring ass business party so you enjoy... ( gets up and walks away... then stops and turn around) oh and get a few autographs for me..

The rest of the girls get up to leave the table..

Karma* Sorry jas I came to show my best friend a good time so Im rolling with her but if its boring then I'll catch up to you guys..

Jas* ummhmm sure... ready to blow this place Naliegh?

Naliegh* yea lets roll..

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