Chapter 7

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The next morning. ..

Callen comes over to my room inside the loft to find me stretched out in just my panties and bra laying on my stomach.. she decides to be childish and jump in the bed..

Callen ( Cakes and trey... sitting in a tree K. I. S. S. I. N. G

first comes love then comes marriage then comes trey with a baby carriage then burst into laughter

Salem says as she is walking in the room... Right because we know her busy workaholic a** aint got time to push no stroller unless it has a laptop attached to it..

Just as I feel like im falling back asleep Miya loud a** wanna come into the damn room talking to me..

So Cakes we knew you disappeared with him.

Mahi'ya* No you didn't! I walked out to the balcony and when I came back yall were gone!!

Miya* that still don't explain why you stayed a whole hour after.

Mahi'ya* Ugh yall not gonna let me get any sleep huh well if you must know I stayed out on the balcony talking to him for an hour then I came back changed clothes went to breakfast and walked the beach talking now im exhausted can I please have 1 hour more before we do this???

I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep because now I had him on the brain. I mean who was I kidding it was time for me to get back to reality. Thats why I told him I was leaving today. I mean this could never workout and plus he won't even remember me after this weekend is over. I slowly drifted with my thoughts into my sleep. ..


a couple hours later...

I got up did my daily hygiene routine and got ready for the day with the girls who had left me a note...


hey hun didnt want to wake you know you had a long night we all went to breakfast... by the time you wake up you can join us for lunch. give us a call when you wake..

I called the girls to see where they were located... They were gonna finish a little shopping then meet me at

the bouchon bistro on the strip.

I threw on my wide legged pants romper and wedge heels grabbed my new Nicole lee and my gucci shades threw my hair in a large messy bun on top of my head and headed out the door.

I stopped in a couple of shoppes and bought a few things then headed to the girls..

The girls were already seated at the table along with jasmiryn and naleigh. I sighed then walked over to the girls but I was stopped at the table before I had a chance to sit down.

Trey's p.o.v

I was riding down the strip on my way to a few business meetings. when I spotted her, I would know her anywhere just from the fact that I cant get her out of my mind.

I know what she thinks of me. she thinks Im like all the other celebrities with an agenda in mind someone who don't care about her. but if she only knew My agenda is only to get to know her to learn more about her

stop I said right here I need to do something...

CiCi says what is it whats wrong. nothing Im cool I just need to take care of something before I leave.

I hopped out of the truck. and walked over to the table and grabbed her hand before she could sit down.

She looked over at me with wide suprised eyes..

,Mahi'ya p.o.v

I looked to see who was behind me and oh great just as I thought this chapter was over here he is

all the girls was smiling and making little embarrassing noises except for jas who sorta looked a little annoyed.

Trey.. I thought you were leaving this morning??

Mahi'ya... I was uh me and the girls decided to say another day or two

Trey.. I enjoyed your company last night

Mahi'ya* hmmm Is that right, well you were an absolute gentleman so I must say I did as well.

Trey.. (smiles) Im glad to hear that but I don't have your number.

Mahi'ya... can I ask you a question??

Trey.. yeah

Mahi'ya.. What are you doing really

Trey. What do you mean

Mahi'ya. . Oh you know what I mean, you have been very persistent these last two days and I have to ask what are your motives mr.songz

Trey.. its Mr. Neverson and my motives are harmless im not trying to treat you like no groupie or fan. Im trying to treat you like a friend that Im trying to get the chance to know. Im completely harmless at this point.

Mahi'ya.. if you say so Mr. Neverson

Trey.. so that means that we can keep in touch and I can possibly take you to dinner tonight

Trey.. I get the feeling that you don't like me the way I like you Mahi'ya

Mahi'ya. . I get the feeling that you're not going to make this easy for me to keep this realistic are you. Im not trying to go home with my head all in the clouds and then your back to business and im a forgotten memory.

Trey... you're going to be a challenge, but Im up for it..

Mahi'ya. . umm hmm we shall see

we exchanged numbers and I got Back to lunch with the ladies....

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