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"I need ham! I need ham!" The blonde headed demon shouted as she entered Carly's apartment and running to the fridge.

"There's no point looking in the fr-"

"I see no ham!" She announced, looking at Carly in digust and slamming the fridge shut.

"Spencer is shopping as we speak..." Carly defended.

"Fine! I'll go ask Freddie then..." She marched out the door and knocked at her boyfriend's apartment door.

"Hey Sammy, what's u-"

"I need ham! Please say you have ham!" She interupted.

"I would say I have ham but that would be a lie."

"What kind of a boyfriend-

"Don't start with that line again!"

"Any chance you can get me some ham?"

"My mother is shopping with Spencer right now s-"

"Why is she shopping with Spencer?"

"She says he needs to buy more organic food!" He yelled quickly.

"Alright alright! So you and Carly don't have any ham? Then, what am I supposed to eat?"

"An apple?" He joked, trying to get a laugh out of her.

"Not even funny..." She replied, walking away and back into Carly's.

"I'm sorry..." Freddie said from his apartment but she said nothing.


"No luck?" Carls asked as she perched down next to Sam on the sofa.

"Nope. Why is the world against me today?"

"What do you mean?"

"This morning I found out my sister is coming home for a few days. And there's no ham in this building!"

"That's probably not true. The neighbours might have some-"

"Of course! I'm on a quest to find ham!" She yelled.

"Wait..." Carly acknowledged what her friend had just said to her, "Your sister is comi-Eh! She's happy for now so let's just leave it..." She relaxed on the sofa and grabbed the remote...

iCarly Alphabet Story (Currently Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now