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This is getting complicated!

Freddie had always loved Carly, and Carly had always not liked Freddie in that way. But she once thought she was in love with him because he saved her life. Then she realised she was in love with what he did, not in love with him himself.

Sam had always hated Freddie, and Freddie had always hated Sam; that's what people thought anyway... Sam thought she was crazy for liking him to begin with but then he proved he liked her back. But who knew hate would turn into love?

Everything wasn't as it used to be. As much as everyone wanted it all the same, it was never gonna be the same ever again.

The fan war... What happened again? The gang went to Webicon and were greeted by Creddie and Seddie fans. And just to make it even more confusing, Carly had a crush on a new boy called Adam. Sam, Freddie and Carly all didn't want to face the truth. Which one of the girls was in love with Freddie? Or was it neither?

The fire escape, the school lock in, the mental hospital, the Groovy Smoothie, Pini's. All classic places for love to occur. No one suspected the two arguementative ones of the group to be in love. Seddie had always been a popular couple but was it really possible? I guess we all need to find out...

iCarly Alphabet Story (Currently Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now