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I watched Jungkook rush to grab my hand, panic rushing to both of our faces. "Jungkook.." "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TAEHYUNG! HERE GRAB ONTO MY HAND AND DON'T LET GO!" I nodded my head wearily. For someone who I barely talked to he sure did love to confuse me and scream at me. "I'LL PULL YOU UP ON THREE! CLIMB UP OKAY! ONE! TWO! THREE!" I jumped up and landed right next to him. We were both out of breath and I couldn't stop my body from trembling in both fear and coldness. Jungkook must've noticed my shivering because he placed his hand on my head.

"Hey Tae, are you alright?" I smacked his hand away suddenly angry. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" He flinched and I couldn't stop the upcoming rush of anger. "I'M SURE THAT THIS IS A DREAM BUT I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO SERIOUSLY DIE!" "OH SO NOW YOU'RE BLAMING ME FOR PUSHING YOU OVER THE EDGE?!" "YEAH AND YOU'RE GOING TO DENY IT!" I clutched my chest as my heart raced in my chest. "I swear my heart is beating too fast. Why am I still having this stupid dream anyways?" "Stupid dream?" He grabbed my shoulder pushing me to the ground. "Really you...HOW COULD YOU!! I never thought.." I winced in pain as his grip grew tighter.  "I-it hurts." I whispered as his eyes grew dark. His hand suddenly let go and he pulled me into a hug, my arms unintentionally going around his waist.

"HEY ARE YOU CRAZY! LET GO OF ME!" I swear this kid is so bipolar. I felt my face go red once more as he moved his face closer to my neck, I felt my breathing stop as his breath tickled my ear. "Did it really not mean anything to you? If so, then I wish you never ever remember what happened that night." He pulled away from the hug, his eyes gleaming with tears, I swore I almost turned gay for a second. "Then I'll keep pretending.. like it never happened." 

I opened my eyes, unaware of the tears running down my face as Hoseok looked from my fridge. "Hey you're finally up! So after class today.." I turned to look at him as he gasped. "Are you crying?" "What?" I released a shaky breath and reached up to wipe my tears. "Did you have a bad dream or something Taetae?" "No, it was that same dream." I looked down as a blush made it's way to my face. Wait how the fuck am I supposed to explain to him that Jungkook hugged me and it made me cry. "So what was it about this time?" "N-nothing! Absolutely nothing hyung!" I stood up from my bed and looked for clothes to wear today.


We finally left my small apartment and headed to college, my head filled with last night's dream. I must be crazy to be feeling this way but when I think of his saddened face it somehow makes my heart ache. "EEHHHHHHHH!" I held onto my head trying to reassure myself that I wasn't gay. "Have you finally gone mad?" I ignored Hobi's concered stares as more questions filled my brain. What if I kept having these dreams in which he appears all the time? What should I do? I'm so fucked. I felt a small shiver go down my spine as we walked into class as sat in our seats.

Should I ask Hobi about him? He'll probably get mad at me, but it's worth the risk. I cleared my throat as I turned to face him. "Hey you by any chance remember anything from the retreat about Jungkook and I?" I watched his expression turn into disgust at the mere mention of Jungkook. "That again? Is it related to the dream you had yesterday?" Damn, he's got me. "Are you still thinking of that?" "No I was simply curious so I kept thinking about it." "Work on your assignments if you have time to think about that."

I scoffed but soon came up with an idea on how I could convince him. "If you tell me anyhting about that night I'll treat you to chicken.~ How's that sound hyungie!~" I patted his back as his eyes sparkled at the mention of chicken. "Chicken? ..Well he was sitting in a corner all by himself until you invited that jerk over to play games with us." I sweat dropped as he continued to rant. "Yeah but what I don't understand is why he drank alcohol instead of you during a round. Did you both know each other?" "Huh?" His face turned blank as I tilted my head to the side. "You seriously don't remember that do you?"

Flashback, Three years ago at the retreat, Freshman Year:

"Let's Play the random game I heard it was Tae's favorite!~" Jin giggled as a flustered Tae held two fingers up. "Hmm let's see. If your hair is parted down the middle, hold your finger!" "Heeyy that's not fair!~ You're all picking on me." Taehyung said and pouted as a beer can was handed over in his direction. "Hey you wanted to play and we want you to drink." Namjoon slurred as Jin hunched over his lap giggling like a mad man with Hoseok. "But I already had enough to drink hyungs." Taehyung pouted gaining Jungkook's attention. He grabbed the can out of Taehyung's hands and brought it to his lips, drinking Tae's portion of beer. "Whoa! Jungkook can drink?" Baekhyun looked at the young boy, admiration filled his beady eyes. "Since when were you both so close huh?~" Baekhyun poked at Tae's stomach as everyone in the group howled. 

End of flashback

"It was then that I realized something was off between the both of you." "B-but why would he." "Don't ask me. Moments later you excused yourself to the bathroom to only bail your ass out on me." I watched him frown and I sighed relieved that nothing bad happened between us. "But seconds after you left he went out for you. Jungkook went out and never returned." I watched him think deeply about something before he furrowed his eyebrows together. "Could it be that he actually went out after you?"

I froze in my seat as my eyes widened. Could it be that? No, no, no. It couldn't have. "I was drunk too so I can't really remember anything after that, sorry Tae." He scratched his head as I gave him a half hearted smile. That must be what happened then. If something really did happen between us then it would've been during that time.

Class was at it's peak of ending until the teacher mentioned a group project due by the end of the semester. "Your grade will be heavily affected since it's a group project. Once I've called your group please move your seats and sit with your partner/s." My head kept recalling the sudden dreams I've been having about Jungkook and what really happened that night but I couldn't quite figure out what he wanted me to remember so badly. "Group 1, Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun." "Group 2.." I cut out what the teacher kept saying as I rested my head on my desk, I was weary and drained out of energy. "Group 3, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook." I raised my head quickly, resulting in a very loud neck crack due to the strain I had built up. "W-what?" I mumbled out loud, slowly turning around in my seat to see Jungkook glaring back at me.

To be continued...

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