Chapter 2

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Katherine watched her dopplegänger leaving the boarding house with her ex boyfriend. Elena and Damon. That only left Stefan to be single, of course.

Them came Bonnie, the witch, with Jeremy, the hunter. And then Caroline, the vampire that she - Katherine - herself had changed, with Tyler, the vampire/werewolf hybrid. Tyler wasn't exactly anywhere near the top of Katherine's list of favourite people.

Not that she exactly had one.

About five centuries ago, she'd been disinherited and sent to England. There, she met two Original vampires, one of whom Katherine had been running from ever since. Klaus was a hybrid, too - the first hybrid. And he was alone, half vampire, half werewolf. As Katherine was a dopplegänger, he needed her blood to complete a ritual which would mean that Klaus could create more vampire/werewolf hybrids. But, Katherine had run away, and been changed into a vampire, which meant that she was no longer eligible to take part in the ritual. So, Katherine had been forced to run from Klaus ever since - until, that is, she met Elena. She gave Klaus another option. So, Klaus drained Elena of blood, essentially killing her, but she had vampire blood on her system, which meant she didn't die - well, technically she did - but turned into a vampire. And the emotions were too much for her, so she turned off her humanity, and ended up burning her house down with her dead brother's body inside (yes, her brother - well, cousin, actually - the one who was with Bonnie at this moment) in a breakdown.

It was a very long, complicated story - you kind of had to be there.

These days, Katherine didn't have much to do. She'd often find herself watching the Salvatore boarding house, and keeping herself up to speed on the others' lives. Katherine often quite quickly became a part of it.

And they were going to a party - and Stefan wasn't with them.

As soon as the six not-exactly-people had gone, Katherine leapt from the tree she was perched in, plucking a twig from her otherwise perfect hair, and let herself into the house. Then, she ran at vampire-speed up to Stefan's room.

'Why aren't you with your precious Elena,' she said when she saw him. Stefan turned to face her as she continued: 'and your girlfriend-stealing brother?'

'What do you want, Katherine?'

'Come on,' said Katherine. 'I already look the part,' Katherine indicated to the teal dress that she was wearing, which was still perfect even though she'd been sitting in a tree only seconds ago, 'and I'm pretty sure if you out this -' Katherine moved so quickly that the human eye probably wouldn't have noticed that she had moved, but she then stood in the same place, holding a tuxedo from Stefan's closet, '- on, you'd look perfect yourself.'

'Not now, Katherine,' said Stefan, looking away.

Suddenly, Katherine was standing in front of him again. 'Go on,' she pouted, raising an eyebrow, 'for me?'

'Katherine, when was the last time I ever did something for you?'

'You're right,' said Katherine, pretending to consider something, and then said, 'What if you started today?'

Stefan sighed, and took the tux, before saying, 'You're not allowed to ruin this for Elena, though, okay?'

'Ugh, Elena, Elena, Elena,' said Katherine, rolling her eyes, strolling towards the door lazily. 'Just let go, will you? I'll wait downstairs.'

And Katherine closed the door behind her, before going back downstairs and lounging back in one of the couches in the living room, and waited for Stefan to come back down.

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