Chapter 22

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'Forget this.'

Elizabeth placed Power between those final two words, and then, she was gone, leaving Damon in the stall alone.

Damon blinked a few times, looking around. What had just happened?

His head hurt. He needed a drink - but something stronger than tequila.

He opened the stall door and left the bathroom,bolting back into the main club. He kept in the shadows, hidden away, but he didn't bother for long. He found a girl standing alone in the corner of the room and approached her, smiling.

'Hi,' said Damon, smiling.

'Hello,' said the girl, flushing.



'That's stupid,' said Damon, closing the distance between the two of them, 'a girl as beautiful as you shouldn't ever be alone.'

'Oh, really?' Said the girl, trying to be flirtatious, but only blushing more deeply as this beautiful, dangerous person approached.

'No,' replied Damon, and he bent down towards her. 'Don't make a sound.'

And he bit into her neck, allowing her rich blood to flow freely into his mouth, down his throat. Anyone around him would only think they were kissing.

The blood came thick and fast, and Damon didn't stop swallowing. It began to think and Damon didn't care.

'Shit,' Damon muttered as the girl slumped bloodless to the floor.

And then the screaming started.

The whole club erupted with the sounds of terrified screams as everyone tried to reach the door first, to escape the room in which stood the bloodsucking monster who could easily kill them all instantly.

'Everybody shut the hell up!' Elizabeth's voice rang out through the room. She barely had to put in any effort.

She was now standing up on the bar, and everyone turned to face her.

This time, she put Power behind her words, compelling the crowds. 'Everybody stay still. Forget this. Forget me, forget what you just saw with Damon. Nothing I ordinary happened here. You cam to a club, you got drunk, and you went home. Now go.'

Everybody in the crowd's faces expressions turned far away, and they stumbled out of the doors - even the barmen and women - leaving Elizabeth standing on the bar in front of Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, Tyler, Matt and Jeremy, who were all still sitting on the bar stool, staring up at her, looking slightly shocked.

Damon looked up, too, finally snapping back to reality.

He approached the others, as Elizabeth jumped down and perched herself on the end of the bar. Elena stood up, and approached Damon.

She slapped him. 'What the hell was that?'

Damon blinked, looking behind him at the lifeless body he'd left slumped against the wall. 'I honestly have no idea.'

The Vampire Diaries: Elizabeth ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now