Chapter 8

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That was slightly disappointing.

Catherine, Bonnie, Elena, Jeremy, Tyler and Matt were all thinking the same thing.

None of them knew what they had been expecting, but they all had the itching feeling that they didn't know something. A simple love affair that ended in complete agreement wouldn't have been enough to make Katherine panic so much. Her sister - her own DNA - evading death wouldn't panic her, as she'd done it so many times herself. Yet Elizabeth couldn't be like Katherine - Stefan and Damon looked at her like an old friend, or more, with no anger, and definitely without any hint of dislike.

Elizabeth knew what they would be thinking. It was one of her traits - she always left people asking questions, and always returned, one day, to provide an answer.

'Well, it was nice meeting you,' she said to the six people who were watching her closely, before turning to Damon. 'Nice to see you again,' and she leant towards to press her lips to his, ignoring the way Elena's hand tightened over his, protective, almost possessive. Elizabeth drew back after a few seconds, and turned to Stefan. 'You too, Stefan,' she said, walking around the couch and kissing him, too.

As if nothing had happened, she walked to Katherine. 'See you soon, sis!' Elizabeth smiled, not sarcastically, and wrapped her arms around her sister, who stood still, not reacting. Elizabeth ignored Katherine's unresponsiveness and left the boarding house. When she was out of sight, she jumped up into a tree, and lay back in the branches, listening in on the conversation that followed her exit.


'Why did she come back?' Said Stefan. 'Why now?'

'I don't know,' said Damon. He had stood up as soon as Elizabeth had left.

'She can't be here!' Katherine hissed.

'Can someone please explain?' Said Caroline.

'Yeah,' said Matt, and he turned to face Katherine, who was still standing behind him. 'Why're you so scared of her?'

'Im not scared!' Katherine hissed.

'Whatever,' said Bonnie. 'There's obviously more to it than Elizabeth said.'

Damon sighed, and then said: 'Elizabeth can be even more manipulative and clever even Katherine is.'

'Is that a compliment or an insult?' Said Katherine, back to her usual self.

'Both,' said Damon dismissively. 'But Elizabeth has a heart. She is one of the most loyal, trustworthy people I've ever met.'

'How can someone even more manipulative and clever than Katherine be one of the most loyal, trustworthy people you've ever met?' Said Matt.

'It's complicated,' was all Stefan could say.

'Great explanation,' Jeremy muttered.

'I still want to know why you panicked so much,' Caroline said to Katherine.

Katherine sighed. 'I'll let Elizabeth tell you. She's not one to exaggerate.' Katherine moved towards the door, and said, 'at least, about anything but death.'

Katherine disappeared from the boarding house.

The Vampire Diaries: Elizabeth ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now