Chapter 7

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Elizabeth moved in a flash, and she was sitting in the chair. She looked around the room, relishing the look of shock and slight bewilderment on Stefan and Damon's faces, the panic that set into Katherine's features, and the wondering gaze of the other six.

Elizabeth' sees lingered on Elena's face, the perfect mirror of her own. Elena's features were set, but she looked curious.

'I suppose I should introduce myself,' said Elizabeth. 'My name is Elizabeth Petrova.'

Her gaze had not lifted from Elena, who's eyes widened as Elizabeth said the name. But it was Caroline who spoke first. 'So, you're her sister?'

'Yes,' said Elizabeth, snapping her eyes to Caroline.

'So, do you want to explain how you're here, then?' Said Damon skeptically, but not angrily or upset, sitting next to Elena again.

'Course I will,' Elizabeth began. 'But I'll start off by telling you lot -' she indicated to the six new faces, '- who the hell I am.'

'That would be useful,' Caroline muttered.

'Alright then,' said Elizabeth, smiling slightly. 'Well, like I said, I'm Elizabeth Pierce, Katherine's twin sister. It doesn't surprise me that she hasn't mentioned me, because, as you can tell by the way she grasped my neck earlier, we are so painfully close.

'I was turned by Katherine herself, actually. She regrets that the tiniest bit, of course. Back before either of us were vampires, we were best friends.'

'Don't remind me of how stupid eighteen-year-old me was,' Katherine spat.

'I don't think I need to,' said Elizabeth, without menace. 'Anyway, twin sisters, best friends, blah blah blah. Katherine ran off, hiding from Niklaus, and I went with her, of course. I'm a dopplegänger, too, obviously. And back then, Katherine and I were as worried about the other's life as much as our own.

'Katherine found Rose, and tricked her into changing her. I didn't want to be a vampire - I wanted to live a life, and then die. But once, when Katherine was hunting and I was looking for food, a car hit me. I was injured fatally, and Katherine fed me her blood, to save me. So I was healed, but Katherine was panicking. Remember that she was actually capable of emotion back then, believe it or not. She decided that I would be safer as a vampire. As I had her blood in my system, she snapped my neck, so I would change.

'Lets skip ahead a few years, to when Stefan and Damon met Katherine. Well, I was there too. I moved with Katherine. Whilst Katherine toyed with Stefan and Damon's emotions, I simply sat and watched, helping Stefan and Damon's father hunt vampires, after gaining his trust. But I wasn't really helping - I was diverting him from the vampires.

'One night, I went out to hunt. And I found myself at the army base where Damon worked. He was playing poker with his mates. And they let me join. Damon was such a gentleman, until later that night, when we both decided that neither of us had a family to shame,' Elizabeth looked to Damon, a secretive glint in her eye. That night had been a secret between them, no matter who knew about it. Neither of them were embarrassed by it.

'And I snuck out to meet him, every week. But I met Stefan, too. And we had a different secret. He caught me feeding on one of the local townspeople, so I had to tell him about my vampirism. I showed him that I hadn't actually hurt the person, and that they wouldn't remember anything, and he was okay with it. All the while he was shagging my sister, but that was fine by me. He looked sad, and I talked to him. He was worried about his brother, so I promised to try and look over him - which I already was doing. And we ended up kissing in the moonlight. It was very romantic. And he let me drink his blood. Damon had done so, too. And they had both allowed Katherine the same pleasure.

'Of course, we both knew what the other was doing. She had told them about her vampirism as I had. But neither of the Salvatore's knew we knew what the other had been doing. And that was when we realised that neither of you could love both of us.

'But luckily for us, we had indeed fallen in love with different people. We spoke to both brothers together, and we were happy to find that they were the same. Not the story you were expecting, was it?' Said Elizabeth, raising an eyebrow at the shock, but slightly unimpressed faces that stood in front of her.

'I'll skip out all of the details,' she smiled to Damon. 'And move on to the night when Stefan and Damon's dad caught Katherine. You know what happened to her. But he caught me, too, and I really was left to burn. Stefan and Damon watched him lock me inside the trailer, and the flames licked the sides of the trailer before I had a chance to escape.

'I knew that Katherine, Damon and Stefan would be watching. But Katherine's one problem was that she always needed to be superior. That wasn't the way she always was. Whilst we were running, she found out about my strengths. And she didn't mention anything. But she had always seen me as a weak little girl. I may be a lot of things - but I'm certainly not weak.' Elizabeth didn't say this in a menacing way, or an arrogant way. She was simply stating a fact that was supported by Katherine's panic.

'Anyway, none of the others in the burning trailer were actual vampires. And iron didn't have any affect on me. If you were expecting something dramatic and interesting, think again a I literally just ripped through the bottom of the trailer and ran into the forest. Then I went everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. There were plenty of festivals and dances, and a masquerade balls. They were amazing, there should really be more of them these days. The sixties and the eighties were my favourites, I think. I settled in Rio - I've always loved the festivals, and they've developed so much. The music and the culture, wow. You don't find many people who appreciate good music anymore.'

Elizabeth was finished, and everyone was silent.

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