Chapter 26

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Stefan was waiting downstairs when Elizabeth returned. As soon as he saw her, he appeared by her side.

'Hey, Elizabeth,' he said, genuinely concerned. 'You ok?'

'Yeah,' she said, smiling. 'Looking in Damon's mind... Took a lot out of me, I guess. But it's fine now.'

'Are you sure?'


'Okay,' said Stefan, leading Elizabeth to the couch. They sat down opposite each other. 'What happened? When you looked into his head, I mean.'

'I don't know,' said Elizabeth. 'It was like there was a wall up, some kind of barrier to prevent me from getting in past a certain point.'

'Really?' said Stefan.

'Yes,' said Elizabeth. 'But I know what's behind it.'

'You do?'

'Yes. But first, KIERA!' Elizabeth called the girl's name, and a beautiful girl walked into the room. She looked slightly dazed - the result of being compelled by Elizabeth.

'What's going on?' said Stefan, slightly confused.

'In the club,' Elizabeth began, 'remember what happened with Damon?' Stefan nodded. 'Well, to put it bluntly; I caused it.'

'You what?!'

'I think so, at least,' Elizabeth continued. 'I compelled Damon.'

'But Damon's a vampire,' said Stefan. 'Only Original vampires can compell vampires.'

'I know,' said Elizabeth, 'and I'm not an Original. But somehow, I can do things normal vampires can't. Now, I need to conduct a little experiment, and, as much as I love you, Stefan... You're the test subject.'

'What?' said Stefan, suddenly realizing he may be in danger.

'Forget about this conversation,' Elizabeth said, a glimmer in her eye. Stefan seemed momentarily dazed, but then blinked back to normality.

'Elizabeth!' he said. 'You're back. You ok?'

'Yes, I'm great,' she said, smiling. 'You okay, Stefan?' Stefan's eyes kept flickering towards Kiera and back to Elizabeth. 'You seem... Thirsty. Kiera can help that, you know.'

Without thinking, Stefan lunged at the girl. Elizabeth smiled a little as she watched Stefan devour his prey. After a moment, she reached fowards and pulled Stefan away before his Ripper instincts kicked in.

Without saying a word, Elizabeth took Kiera's arm and pulled her closer, before biting her own arm and bringing it to Kiera's lips. Then, Elizabeth compelled Kiera to leave, and forget this experience.

'Stefan...' said Elizabeth. Stefan, finally realizing what he had done, was suddenly horrified.

'Oh, my God...'

'Are you okay?! I'm so sorry I brought her back, I probably shouldn't have, but I just couldn't find a quiet enough place to feed, so I thought this would be safer...' Elizabeth spoke quickly and frantically until Stefan cut her off.

'It's fine,' Stefan said firmly. 'I don't know what happened...'

'Do you think it's somehow related to what happened with Damon?'

Stefan just looked blankly forwards.

'Stefan...' Elizabeth said. 'It's okay. It was just a moment of weakness. I won't tell anyone, honestly, and I'm sure you're fine. Damon hasn't acted up since, and you've always had more self control. You should be okay.'

'Yeah,' said Stefan uncertainly. 'I don't know what came over me...'

'You should get some sleep, or something,' said Elizabeth. 'You'll be fine tomorrow.'

'Yeah, okay,' said Stefan. 'You should rest up, too.'

'Yeah, I will,' said Elizabeth. Stefan stood up and made for the staircase, as Elizabeth made herself comfortable on the couch.

'Elizabeth?' Stefan's voice came out quietly.


'Do you want to come up with me?'

Elizabeth smiled, picking up on Stefan's innocent thoughts. In all honesty, an actual bed would be nicel, for once. 'Sure,' she said, before following him upstairs.

The Vampire Diaries: Elizabeth ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now