Chapter 3

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'Woo! And they even have good music!' Caroline squealed. She, Elena and Bonnie were dancing in the middle of the hall whilst Damon, Tyler and Jeremy did shots at the bar.

When the song finished, they decided to go and get drinks, too. They joined the guys, who immediately ordered more booze.

At about the fifth round of shots, Caroline stood up, and gasped, 'what is she doing here?' Looking out onto the dance floor.

The others all followed Caroline's line of sight, and saw Katherine dancing with an awkward Stefan.

'One Katherine-free night,' Damon muttered spitefully, 'that was all we wanted. Booze, party - and no Katherine.'

At the second mention of her name, Katherine looked up, her face plastered with a look of mock surprise. She dragged Stefan through the dancing crowd, and they joined the vampires, witch, hybrid and hunter at the bar.

'Fancy seeing you here!' Gasped Katherine with mock surprise.

The six others turned in their seats to face the bar, where the bartender had just placed six more shot glasses, and each downed one of the shots simultaneously. 'Six more!' Damon called over his shoulder.

'Make that eight!' Katherine added.

'What do you want, Katherine?' Caroline said coldly.

'What?' Said Katherine mockingly. 'A girl can't come to a party with a good-looking single guy, and bump into a bunch of old friends?'

'Friends?' Said Bonnie, raising her eyebrows.

'You know what I mean, Bon-Bon,' said Katherine, squinting her eyes in a mocking gesture. 'Great, shots,' she added, taking one of the eight glasses the bartender had just placed in front of the group.

The music slowed to a waltz. 'Tyler,' said Caroline, holding her hand out to her boyfriend, 'dance with me.'

Tyler stood up, taking Caroline's hand, and lead her to the dance floor. Bonnie, Jeremy, Damon and Elena followed suit, leaving Katherine at the bar with Stefan.

'God, what a bitch,' Damon muttered as Elena put her hands around his neck, fully aware that Katherine's vampire hearing would pick his voice up.

'One Katherine-free night,' said Elena. 'That's all we wanted. We were literally saying that before we left.'

'The world is never that kind, is it?'

'Nope,' said Elena.

She and Damon swayed with the music, standing close together, for the rest of the song, and a few songs after that.

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