Chapter 25

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The weakness she felt was drowning her. Elizabeth didn't like it. She wasn't a weak person, she didn't want to feel that way.

She didn't fear weakness in the way Katherine did. She didn't fear losing her power and control, she didn't fear people being more powerful than her. But she did fear this - a weakness caused by her own power.

Elizabeth had put that wall up in Damon's mind. In trying to push through it, she had weakened herself. It was as if her own Power was becoming too powerful.

This was something new. She had always been in control. But she hadn't compelled Damon to feed, after the bathroom scene. He just had. So, it seemed, Elizabeth's compulsion was powerful enough to drain another vampire to the point where they can't remember their own urge to feed - or powerful enough to force them to feed impulsively.

Her Power could be used as a weapon to destroy cities, and lead vampire armies.

Elizabeth stumbled into town. Along the street leading into the main town, there were only two people, one male, one female, sitting in a bench, making out. Elizabeth felt no remorse or sentiment to the young love - she crossed the road over to them, and instantly bit into the male's neck.

He was paralyzed with fear, aa Elizabeth fed. She felt her Power refilling, and sent tendrils of it out to keep the girl still.

Elizabeth didn't want to pull away - but she had to, or he would die. She reluctantly removed her fangs from his neck, and turned to the girl, compelling them both to stay still.

When she was finished, Elizabeth healed them and compelled them to forget. She left them on the bench and made for town. She wanted more...

There was a small corner store at the end of the street. Elizabeth strutted in confidently. She didn't need to look up to know that there were five people inside - the manager in a room at the back, the cashier, a staff member posted at the door to stop theives, and two customers. Without trying, Elizabeth brought them all to the front of the store and fed.

She needed strength for what she was planning to do tonight.

The Vampire Diaries: Elizabeth ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now