Chapter 21

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'No, Elizabeth, don't do that,' said Damon.

'I'm not here to have sex with you, Damon,' said Elizabeth. 'I told you, I'm going to tell you why I'm here.

'Do you remember when you left me in that cart to burn?'

'Vividly,' Damon muttered, looking far away. You could almost see the fire burning in his eyes as he remembered the events.

'Well, you left me. There was nothing you could do,' said Elizabeth. 'I know that. But, seeing as you were allegedly in love with me... How did that make you feel, Damon? Did you ever for once wish you could have burned, too? It would be so much easier - no pain, no loss. But, of course you didn't - it would be selfish for me to even ask that of you.

'But then, you turned. You became a vampire. Shouldn't that have heightened everything? You should have had to relive my death, watching me burn. That should have hurt you, Damon. You should have missed me. But you didn't.

'Don't look at me like that. I watched over you, and Stefan, too. You turned it off for a while. So no, don't feel bad. When you turned it back on, you didn't miss me. And then there was the whole Augustine thing -'

'How do you know about that?'

'I told you. I watched over you.'

'Wait, so you watched me getting tortured by those people, but you did nothing to stop it?' Said Damon incredulously.

Elizabeth shrugged. 'I was pissed at you!

'But, anyway. You turned it off again, and turned it on again, and that repeated and repeated. So you had no problem turning it off. So, I guess my question is, why didn't you ever turn it off for me?'

'I lived with it,' Damon said simply.

'No, there was so much more,' said Elizabeth. 'I know you, Damon. And I'm not an ordinary vampire. How long was it before you finally gave into the craving? Don't worry, I know. But for me, it took a second. I fed instantly. Granted, that was the only time I ever fed on human blood, but if needed to change, didn't I? My point is, the process was almost instantaneous for me, when it should've taken days.

'And vervain doesn't affect me. I can swallow glasses of the stuff, I can rub all over my body, and not be affected. And I can compel humans under the influence of vervain. So I was wondering... Could I possibly compel you?'

'I'm a vampire,' said Damon defiantly.

'So?' Said Elizabeth, shrugging.

'Back to the emotions thing,' she continued. 'You see, I think I know why you didn't turn it off because of me.

'It was because you couldn't let me go. If you turned it off so you wouldn't feel the pain of my death, the regret you couldn't stop it, you would forget that you loved me. You would forget what I meant to you.'

'You seem mighty sure of that,' said Damon. 'Isn't that a bit big-headed and narcissistic of you to think so?'

'Yes, it is,' said Elizabeth fairly, 'but it's also true.'

That was when Damon made to snap Elizabeth's neck - but she was too fast. She caught his arms, and twisted them behind his back.

'Stay still,' she purred, putting Power behind her words - compelling him.

She smiled when Damon relaxed, and turned so she was facing him. 'Is that true?'

'Yes,' Damon said, his voice barely above a whisper.

'Okay, good,' said Elizabeth, smiling. 'Now, that's not even the reason I came here - I already knew that was true. I just have one more question - I think I know the answer to this one, too, but I'd like to hear you say it.

'I know you love Elena now. But you loved me, before. So what I want to know is - at any given moment in your life, who did you love more? Me, Katherine, or Elena?'

Damon didn't even hesitate to answer. 'You.'

The Vampire Diaries: Elizabeth ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now