Chapter 6

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'But you can't be here!' Katherine shrieked. Whoever this other dopplegänger is, Elena thought, she must be pretty powerful and scary, to make Katherine panic this much.

Stefan stood up, and Damon just looked shocked. 'But we watched you die,' Damon said, his voice barely above a whisper. He sounded stunned, but relieved at the same time. Definitely powerful, Elena thought.

'No, you didn't,' said the girl. She said it casually, and not as though she was contradicting him, but in the way you would expect Moriarty from Sherlock to speak.

'But we saw!' Said Stefan incredulously, and Damon stood as he spoke. He looked at her with something like awe. Whoever this person was, she shouldn't be here.

Elena eyed her up and down. The girl was exactly identical to Katherine, and therefore exactly identical to her - Elena. She must've been eighteen, the same age as Katherine was she was turned, the same age as Elena was, too. And she must've been a vampire, also. If Damon and Stefan new her, it must've been some time between when they had met Katherine and when they had met her, Elena. Katherine never would've let them see her looking that afraid or panicky if she could avoid it. Katherine would never let anybody see her looking afraid or panicky, period. It showed weakness,

Katherine always hid her weaknesses.

What had this girl done?

And who was she?

'You saw the trailer burning,' said the girl, who was now circling the chairs in which Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, Tyler, Elena and Matt still sat in. Katherine stood behind Matt, Damon behind Elena, and Stefan behind Caroline. 'You never saw me die.'

The girl kept pacing around the room, and nobody spoke.

Eventually, Damon did. 'But you died.'

'Can any of you see ghosts?' I asked skeptically.

'Yes,' said Bonnie and Jeremy simultaneously.

'But none of the rest of you can, can you?'

Nobody replied.

'So, clearly,' said the girl, stopping moving and placing her hand over the empty chair in which Stefan had been sitting moments ago, 'I'm not dead.'

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