Chapter 15

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Elizabeth walked with Lena through the town, evaluating the people they passed. 'She looks pretty,' said Elena, indicating to a girl with long, red hair and green eyes. She really was very pretty.

Elizabeth blinked, shifting her consciousness slightly to her third eye and reading the girl's aura. A mixture of red and gold. Elizabeth shifted her focus again, and she wasn't looking at the lights shimmering around the girl anymore. 'Yes, she does.'

'How do you hunt?' Elena asked me.

'Compulsion,' said Elizabeth, and she walked bravely up to the girl. Looking her in the eye, she said: 'follow me and my friend. Don't object.'

Elizabeth turned and walked back up to Elena, the girl following behind her. 'We pick who we want, take them some place quiet, and drink.'

'Alright,' said Elena.

The girl was now walking next to me, but she looked awkward, dazed. 'Relax,' said Elizabeth, compelling the girl to do as she said. 'Just walk as though we're best friends. Now, what's you're name?'

'Lily,' the girl replied.

'Well, hello, Lily,' said Elena.

'Who else do you want, then?' Elizabeth said to Elena.

'Your turn,' she replied.

Elizabeth shifted her focus once again. She shifted it back a few moments later, as she caught sight of a group of four people, a mixture of blue, orange, green and yellow. 'Stay with Elena,' Elizabeth compelled Lily, and strutted up to the four people - two guys and two girls.

'What're your names?' Elizabeth asked, without compelling them.

The guys eyed her up and down, looking impressed.

'Piss off,' said one of the girls, a blonde with blue eyes wearing too much makeup.

Elizabeth sighed, and asked again, this time compelling them.

'Jess,' said the blonde.




'Follow me and my friend, Elena, and Lily, as if we're a group of best friends. Don't question it - just do it.'

Elizabeth turned and walked back to Elena, followed by James, Daniel, Liv and Jess. Elizabeth winked, as it to say, that was easy.

'One more?' Said Elizabeth, raising an eyebrow to Elena.

'Sure, my go.' Elena strolled over to a brunette girl with wide, innocent eyes, and compelled her to follow us, too.

We marched the compelled humans to an empty alleyway, where nobody would see us. 'Now, I want you all to stand very still. Don't make a sound.'

'How are you able to compel so many people at once?' Elena said to Elizabeth.

'I don't know,' she replied, 'I just can. So, you get those three -' Elizabeth indicated to Lily, Jess and the brunette.

'Okay,' Elena stepped forwards and bit into the brunette's neck. Elizabeth bit at Liv's neck, letting her blood flow freely into her mouth.

Once Elena and Elizabeth had both finished drinking, Elizabeth bit at her own arms, creating three cuts in each. 'Drink,' she commanded, and the six people clamped their mouths over one of the wounds.

Elizabeth waited until their necks were healed, and compelled them to stop drinking. Her arms sealed quickly, and she compelled everybody except for Liv to leave, and forget everything that'd just happened.

'Why'd you keep Liv?' Elena asked.

'I just fed six people my blood,' said Elizabeth. 'That kind of defeated the entire purpose of feeding myself, and Liv's blood was the best.'

After Elizabeth fed on Liv, Elena offered her her arm. 'You fed the others,' she replied to the questioning look.

After Elena had compelled Liv to forget everything, they went back to the boarding house.

The Vampire Diaries: Elizabeth ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now