~||Chapter 8: Goofballs||~

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*Still jack's POV*

Once she wakes up bu--- "Hey jack you find anything?" Daniel says interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh yeah here are some of her stuff. I'll give it to her once she wakes up or just let corbyn give it." I say trying to remove the nervousness in my voice.
"By the way dude, does her parents know that she slept here? They might get worried?" Daniel asks. "I told you, I already called them last night and they were fine with it." I said smiling down.

"Ohhh.. wait.. wait a minute.. do you smell that?" Daniel says trying to find where the smell was coming from. "Yeah.. wait.." I say as we both looked at eachother with our eyes filled with concern. WHY DID WE LEAVE JONAH AND ZACH WITH THE COOKING.
We both thought. We dashed to the kitchen seeing a light of gray smoke. I grabbed a towel and started hitting the stove. Corbyn came rushing in with a fire extinguisher. He started to spray the entire kitchen. "AHHHHH!" He screamed as he was waving the fire extinguisher back and forth.

When he stopped the the smoke started to clear up. Thats when it was clear. Me, Daniel, Jonah and zach stood there covered in foam. Corbyn dropped the fire extinguisher and fell to his knees laughing.

Me and the rest of the guys looked at eachother with the exact same idea. "DOG PILE ON CORBYN." Zach shouted. "Wait.. what?" Corbyn said confused. But it was too late. We all ran and jumped on top of him. We were all laughing swimming in the white foam.

*Pj's POV*
I woke up in the smell of fire. I quickly ran to the next room panicking and worried. Until I saw the boys on top of eachother laughing in the floor. Covered in white foam.

The guys were laughing and stopped the second they saw me. "WHAT. HAPPENED?!" I yelled demanding for answers. They all took a glance of each other and started to laugh again. I looked around the room finding myself in their huge kitchen. There were grocery bags in The kitchen table and the stove full of fire extinguisher foam. Next to me was probably a empty fire extinguisher.

I started thinking of what they were doing. Until all the pieces of evidence came together. "Ohh guys were you trying to--" "We tried making you breakfast." Jack said interrupting me with a smile. "Yeah, then we left jonah and zach incharge." Corbyn continues. "It was ZACH!" Jonah says blaming zach. "NUU-UHH!" Zach says in a baby voice. "It was'nt my fault jonah told me to make the first pancake!" Zach continued. "But DID I Forget about the pancake and burnt it?" Jonah smirked.

Next thing I know the guys were blaming each other and was throwing scoops of white foam at each other. "GUYS. YOUR MAKING EVEN MORE MESS IN THE KITCHEN." I yelled. Until they all stopped amd stared at me. Jack gave me a mischievious look.

"Hey guys.. I think JESS needs a little cheer up.." Jacks smirks. "Huh?" I said clueless. Jack looked at Zach and he smiled. "Yeah.." Zach nodded stretching out the word. "I think Princess needs a hug from her royal Knights." Jack said with his arms out wide. Oh shit. I thought to myself.

Soon I saw Jack and daniel approaching me with smiles across their faces. "No.. no.. NO!" I laughed trying to back out as I tried running away and went at the back of the kitchen table but was surrounded by both Jack and Daniel. They trapped me on one side of the table, Until both attacked.

They both rapped their arms around me. "Dammit guys!" I laughed in defeat. At first I was a little mad, but ended up laughing. Corbyn, Jonah and Zach Joined the group hug.

I slipped out of everyone's arms as and went to get the fire extinguisher. "HA! GOTCHA!" I smirked as I sprayed more fire extinguisher at them. They came attacking me, then tackled me and soon we were all back in the floor laughing.

"OKAY guys! Its time for clean up!" Corbyn putting his hands on his hips.
"We actually made a huge mess" Jonah laughed.

We all got up And I noticed jack helping me up. I held his hand as he helped pull me up. It might seem like nothing but it was everything to me. Everyone went to get cleaned up. Jack walked past me. We did'nt make eyecontact. I looked forward and his back was the direction I was looking.

He stopped right next to me and we were shoulder to shoulder. "Ill get you next time... princess.." He whispered into my ear. I gave him a playful eyeroll. He took his shirt off. I waited for him to get a good distance across the room. And took a quick peak. "You like what you see?!" He laughed without even turning around or looking at me. "Shut up." I replied looking asay trying to hide my red and embarassed face. He always has tricks like these. "Hey jess.." I turn around looking at daniel and corbyn. They were still covered with foam. "Here are some clean clothes and a towel. Daniel will show you the way to the shower." Corbyn says handing me the stuff.

"Thanks!" I say as I followed daniel to the shower. "Uhh sorry for ruining your dress." Daniel laughed. I look down and forgot I was wearing one. "Nahh its alright." I laughed. "By the way, you and jack get along so well. How is that?" He smirked. "Shut up." I blushed hoping he dont know I have little feelings for jack.

He laughs as he continue to show me the way to the bathroom. "This is jonahs, zachs and corbyns bathroom. Since jacks still using our bathroom. Hope your fine with it?" He asks.
"Not at all." I smile as I get in. "If you need anything, just call for anyone.
Oh and the left for cold and right for hot." He says walking away.

"Thanks again!" I closed the door. And took of my clothes. I jumped into the shower and stared at the dials. Left for cold and right for hot I thought. I turned the water on. I tested the water and made it the perfect temperature for me. I turned the middle dial as the water touches my body.

Continued in the next chap.. 》》

~Authors note:~
Yess I did it again! Now ya'll have to wait for the publish of the next chap ;)

Anywhooo, If you see anything wrong with the chaps or wrong spellings. Just tell me and ill fix it :)

Dont forget to leave a VOTE if your enjoying the book so far! It would be much appreciated! :)

And again if you have other ideas for this book I would be happy to hear it! ♢

Here are some of my social medias if ya'll wanna talk and chat! And we can basically fangirl together! ☺

Twitter: @prinncruz
Insta: @_prinncruz/@_prinnjz

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Anddd then again if you want a shout out! I have to see you, active, always commenting and voting for this book! ♡

If you support why dont we! Then dont forget to leave likes and comments on their posts! As much as I do. Lol. I obviously stalk them! (Not in a weird way, just a fangirl kinda way) I love them way too much.

Who else is obsessed with the wdw boys? Cuz I know I am. *smirks weirdly*

If you have gotten it this far then I have a question for ya'll to answer for today.

When is corbyn's birthday?

Drop your answer if you know it and to let me know that you've read it until this far! ☺

Much love for all of you #limelights! Lets stay strong and support the wdw boys together shall we? ♡

~Love, CraftyP 💕

~Between Us? Jack Avery🌹Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant