~||Chapter 10: Shower pervert?!||~

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*Pj's POV*

Until mistfortune struck..   
Someone suddenly opened the bathroom door.. I THOUGHT I LOCKED IT.

I saw a guy walk in and I screamed. The mysterious guys immediatly closed the door. It was so Embarassing. I was soaking like a wet dog and all my makeup was removed so my face was basically naked. I probably looked disgusting.

I dont think none of the guys have seen me without makeup before either. I probably looked like an ugly old woman! I was shocked. Terrified. And embarassed. All. At. The. Same. Time.

Did that seriously just happen?! The guy who did it closed the door so fast that I didnt get the chance to recognize his face. "Um.. hello?" I said asking to see if the person was still there. But there was silence..

I figured that he might have been shocked too. I opened the door slowly to make sure if anyone's there? I peaked my wet head out and there was no one there. The guy definetly ran away. Ugh. Does no one in this house have manners?

Well except corbyn since he has a girlfriend and actually knows how to be responsible and how to treat a girl right! Atleast he knows what a girl likes. I went back inside the bathroom and this time locked it shut.

I saw the pile of clothes corbyn gave me and I tried them on. He gave me a grey hoodie and some sweatpants. But I was'nt really comfortable with the sweatpants since it swas too big. So I decided to take the previous shorts and wore that instead. But since the hoodie was oversized it fit me comfortably perfect.

I love oversized hoodies. This was more like my style. Luckily I was wearing some hairties from last night and I pull my hair up into a messy bun. I try to re-think what happened last night but all I can remember was being in a party. Got sleepy.

Then suprisely wokeup in someone else's bedroom. Hit my head causing me not to remember what happened that night. Got into a foam fight. Had the best shower ive ever had. And even had a stranger walk in by accident. And.. wait a minute..

Where's my phone? I usually bring it everywhere I go?! I need to call my parents! They might have been so worried. That reminds me that I also need to ask questions of what exactly happened last night from the guys!

So many things running through my head. And I finally decided to calm down.. I wlaked out of the bathroom and entered the dining room. The boys was cleaning up.

As I walked in Zach and daniel stared at me and smiled then went back to working. Was I that ugly?! I ran to the bathroom and checked if there was any left over makeup in my face. There wasnt. I went back out from the bathroom..

THUD! I looked around the door to see I accidentally hit jack. "I. AM SO. SORRY!" I said apologizing. "Its fine.. You didnt know I was walking through the halls since you were in the bathroom of course.." He smiled as he was rubbing his hand across his red forehead.

"Hey.. let me see.." I said as I took off his hand away from his forehead. And gently removed his curly bangs away from his face. He looked up at me and said "Woahh.." He said suprised. I was confused. "You look.. different.. what did you do?" Did I look that Terrible?! I said to myself.

I started to look down as he kept talking.. "You look so much prettier.." He smiled. I looked up at him in shock. I started to blush until reality kicked in. I looked at my side. Realizing that I was still holding his hand as I was trying to scan his hurt forehead.

I felt my hands becoming sweaty. And I quickly removed my hand away from his. "I just took my makeup off.." I said trying to play off my nervousness.. When I get nervous while wearing hoodies I slide my hands deeper Into the sleeve of the hoodie, Jack must have noticed.

"You look much better without makeup." He smiled lifting my chin up. Their it goes again. A cage of butterflies in my stomach. His smile is so contagious. It made me smile too.

I just gave him a shy smile as a way to say thanks. "Hey nice hoodie!" He said pointing at the hoodie and smiled. "I know right? It's soft and comfortable and I love the cologne corbyn uses!" I said as I took the middle of the shirt and took a quick sniff of it. Jack looked at me in somewhat angry way. "Corbyn?" Jack said defensively.

"Yeah.. he let me borrow the hoodie.." I answered. "But.. Thats MY hoodie?" Jack exclaimed. I looked at him a little frightened. Jack probably realized what he just did as his expression soften. "Uhh.. im sorry.. uh.. i didnt.. mean too.." Jack said rambling.

"SO what happened to you hair?" I smiled trying to save him from explaining and then smiled saying its alright as I pointed at his curly hair that is currently looking like a fried noodle that won't stick together. His face turned red as he brushed his seemingly soft hair.

"I could'nt find my hairspray so they would'nt stay in place and looks absolutely disgusting.." Jack explained. "No its not.. You just need a little styling, I'll help you!" I smiled offering him help.

His face brightens as his eyes widened happily. He took my hand and made me follow him. I had way tok much butterflied in my stomach that I didnt even care about where he was taking me.

Next chapter.. 》》

~Authors note:~
So im still struggling for wifi connection! Ill still try and post more if the views get up a little faster?

Anyways, what do you guys think will happen to prinns and jacks relationship? Will they ever find their feelings for each other? ;)

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Here are my some of my social medias if you ever wanna chat or dm me! And we can always talk and fangirl together! ;)

Twitter: @prinncruz
Insta: @_prinnjz/_prinncruz

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I Mean who's not OBSESSED with wdw right? 😍


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~Ciaooooo 💕

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