~||Chapter 22: Robber?||~

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                     Hi there. It's been a long time since I last updated, I know. I wouldnpike to apologize for being inactive. Ya'll are probably not intrested in the book anymore.. But here's the update you guys have been waiting for! (For the people eho are still active with the book.) ☺


As I walk downstairs, I go straight to the kitchen and then to the fridge. I check what are the options, I can take for the boys to eat as a snack while their here at my house to be a little more polite. Specially, since they did all of this for me, letting me stay at their house and stuff it would be better if I atleast let them eat something.

I took some left over pie and put it on the kitchen table as I took a tray and put it on the table as well. I add in 5 plates for each of them and lay it on the tray. Then, I go to the top part of the fridge and reach out to take a bag of ice for zach's head. Cuz silly me, I thought it was some sort of stranger and hit straight with a baseball bat, haha go me! I decided to put the pie in the microwave real quick cuz of course, I would'nt make them eat straight up cold pie from the fridge. I walked over to the microwave and slid in the pie for about 1 whole minute. And as I was waiting for it to finish, a grey clud of smoke started to show up from the inside of the microwave.

My eyes widened as I took 2 mittens and slid onto my hands and quickly took out the pie which was a little burnt. And underneath the pie is the plastic bowl which was technically the reason why the microwave started letting out some smoke. The very bowl of the pie is plastic which is not really aloud to be inside a microwave, cuz it might melt or even break the microwave. Gosh. Dang it. Another failure of Princess Jess, Dela Crúz! Woohoo! Go me again!  I told myself. I covered my mouth with some handkerchief that I had in my pocket since, I have to clean the microwave.

Andddd I ain't lettin' no smoke gettin' in my lungs. Like its just a no. no. bro. But seriously how does people or even teens my age smoke? First thing, its not good for your health. Second thing, how do you even deal with that? And what about your breath? It'll just smell like pure smoke. Like, disgusting.

Anyways, I took a wet towel and started wiping off the melted plastic that melted into the microwave's, spinning thingy is what I'd like to call it. Until, it was fully removed and it was finally sparkly clean. Cuz you know if I did'nt clean it, My parents would kill me and give me a 2 hour lecture or something.

I look over the tray and let out a small sigh. What am I gonna give them now? I decided to just make them some normal coffee since we might just go out and eat outside after going to logan's house. I took 3 glass cups from the cupboard and put it on the tray. Then, I go back to the cupboard and took 2 more since they are 5 boys and was about to put it on the tray when all of a sudden when, I turned around... Someone covered my mouth My eyes widened in shock "What the who are y--" I said between my sentence trying to get out from the cover if this unknown persons filthy hands. "Who are you?!" He replied not knowing who I was. "I-- Asked.. You-- First.." I said not being able to breath that much.

I tried so hard to try to get out of the grip of this person, when both cups suddenly slipped away from my hands. I watched both of it fall and hit the floor. One of the cups that I was holding lived, but the other one turned into hundreds of pieces of glass. As the cup broke into little, harmful shards it made a huge sound as it hit the floor. I looked down at is as my eyes widened in shock.

I tried so hard to try to get get out of the person's grip but he just won't budge damn this guy's strong as fudge, I still don't know who he is and I still haven't seen his face either. But why tf is he inside my house? As I fought with his hands trying to remove it out of my face I finally took off he's hand away from my mouth and I got to turn around and try to run. But he grabs me by the wrist when we suddenly both fell onto the floor. THUD! "Who are you?!" I shouted as his eyes widened. His basically on top of me right now. "Who are YOU?!" He exclaimed throwing the question back at me as I pushed him with my feet with all my might as if my life depended on it. Well it actually is. When he suddenly turn me around and once again grabs me by the wrist. He pins me onto the wall holding both my wrists. "Im gonna ask it again.. Who are you.. And what are you doing at dezz's house?!" He questioned clueless of who I am. I am so confused. Im the one who's suppose to be asking that question. "Excuse me?! Im his sister!" I shouted.

"Sister?" He said pausing for a second as he creased his forehead.

When we hear footsteps coming from upstairs, I see jack and the rest of the boys jaws drop. "JESS! Are you okay?! Who is that guy?!" Jack shouted, his eyes we're filled with concern. He quickly ran towards me and pushed the guy off of me, and reached out his hand to me to help me get up . "Who the heck are you?! And why we're you on top of jess?!" Jack said with his voice shaking in anger as the boys held the stranger who just tried to kidnap me or something. "Woah hold on.. This is a huge misunderstanding.." The unknown guy says.

As I hear footsteps coming from upstairs once again. "Jess??" A familiar voice said coming from upstairs. I turn around seeing my brother dezz standing there shocked.. what? How did he get here? He's suppose to be with mom and dad?

"What's going on here? Jess! Are you alright?" Dezz asks me concerned and confused as he comes close to me, I ran to him and gave him a big hug scared and afraid, as he hugs me back. "Im VERY confused. Can someone just PLEASE explain? Everyone calm down and sit down and.. please.. let go of justin..?" Dezz said pulling this justin guy with him.

We all sat down in the living room in the sofa. "So explanation? Please?"

"Jess was gone for a long time and.. we were just talking when.. all of a sudden we hear something break from downstairs and thought it was probably nothing, until we heard a loud thud sound coming from downstairs.. and we just got worried for jess since she was alone, So we decided to just check on her. We came downstairs and saw that guy who we completely don't know on top of jess, pinning her down onto the wall.  We quickly ran to her and got that guy off her. What was he trying to basically do? " Jonah said acting like a protective big brother at the same time he his calm, He pointed at the justin guy. "Well, this is justin he is one of my friends that I haven't met in a long time and he's a very curious and intelligent person. He did'nt know what jess looked like so he probably just thought that jess was a stranger who just barged inside our house." Dezz explained. "Well, you did also have that handerkerchief around your face so you just look like a burgler right now." Zach laughs.

Justin nods at him and puts his arm around his neck. "Look.. umm.. jess, Im really.. truly.. sorry. I have never met you and never knew what you like so just like what he said I thought you were a robber or something thats why I tried to catch you and stuff and if you know I got trained by my dad cuz he's like a police. That's why im also very conscious of my surroundings. Again.. Im really sorry.." Justin apologized sincerely. I mean I do understand what he means. "I understand.. and thanks for being concerned about our house too.. Can we start over?" I smiled as I gave him a hug as I hear a groan from one of the 5 boys. I look over at jack who's a little disappointed and and still a little mad, and I can tell cuz his forhead is creased, he's arms are crossed and he's not making any eye contact with me. why? Why did he get mad?

To be CONTINUED... 》》》♡

~Authors Note:~
Don't be shy to tell me you guys, thoughts about the storyline and the happenings etc. So I know what intresting topics, do I need to add.  😂 I personally have tons of ideas for this but is too lazy to write and update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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